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Mularkey accepts Dolphins OC Job.


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Just beat me to it. Watch out for that Miami offense now. I guess his feelings have been hurt. I think he took that job because he feels he'll get the most sympathy from Miami. This guy's a bigger idiot than I thought. Boo Hoo

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Get ready for some wacky plays, fin fans.


3rd and one?


What better time for a triple-reverse halfback pass?


All joking aside, Mularkey could do well there...the guy showed with the Steelers he can make some damn good calls as a coordinator. But they better hope Saban doesn't give him all of the play-calling power, otherwise that offense will crap out on them.

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You guys are happy about this? I think this gives miami a great edge. Mularkey knows our personnel better than anyone else saban could hire. He's going to know how to exploit individual linemen's weaknesses, d-linemen's weaknesses, and most importantly, JP's limitations. Mularkey knows how to stop his former quarterback, and he knows what the Bills will do to try to counter moves designed to stop him.


He'll also have a much smarter guy reigning him in when he wants to do something stupid. Mularkey will probably be very good in Miami. I expect it.


We'll both have new offenses, and one thing's for sure: They'll be more prepared to play than we will.

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You guys are happy about this? I think this gives miami a great edge. Mularkey knows our personnel better than anyone else saban could hire. He's going to know how to exploit individual linemen's weaknesses, d-linemen's weaknesses, and most importantly, JP's limitations. Mularkey knows how to stop his former quarterback, and he knows what the Bills will do to try to counter moves designed to stop him.


He'll also have a much smarter guy reigning him in when he wants to do something stupid. Mularkey will probably be very good in Miami. I expect it.


We'll both have new offenses, and one thing's for sure: They'll be more prepared to play than we will.



It's amazing how smart Mularkey has become just by leaving the Bills and joining the Dolphins. Mularkey is Mularkey, period.

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You guys are happy about this? I think this gives miami a great edge. Mularkey knows our personnel better than anyone else saban could hire. He's going to know how to exploit individual linemen's weaknesses, d-linemen's weaknesses, and most importantly, JP's limitations. Mularkey knows how to stop his former quarterback, and he knows what the Bills will do to try to counter moves designed to stop him.


That's for sure. I'd be hard pressed to think of any NFL coach who did more to stop JP from succeeding last year than Mularkey.


Can't wait to see the orange and teal try that triple reverse, back-flip, fake field goal, surprise punt on 3rd and 1. Or whatever.

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I'm happy and not worried at all about him knowing our players. He didn't know about them when he was the HC here so I don't think that changes.


MM=<RJ+Quitter= Douche


Enjoy Miami Mike, hey at least you'll have good weather during the Hurricane off season.

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What could ever possess Miami to hire him? The Dolphins, as much as I hate to admit it, are on the upswing. Why would they want to bring in failure to occupy such a important position on the staff? Maybe thats why the Dolphins havent won anything in over 30 years.

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I'm happy and not worried at all about him knowing our players. He didn't know about them when he was the HC here so I don't think that changes.


MM=<RJ+Quitter= Douche


Enjoy Miami Mike, hey at least you'll have good weather during the Hurricane off season.


Dead on correct! I didn't realize leading the #31 ranked offense (dead last in the red zone) makes you a great OC! I'm sure the fans at RWS will make Mike feel very welcome during his yearly visit! :rolleyes::devil::devil:



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Great news, that is a significant downgrade for Miami.


It's a downgrade, again, cause Linehan was great, and Norv Turner is an awesome OC, not a good HC, but give him the offense and he's fine.


Im curious hoe Mularkey will do, but I'm looking forward to another winning season, and playoffs this year!

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