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Mera update 2

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After a 13 hour surgery the Doctors reported that they were able to remove 80% of the tumor. They said that the tumor looks cancerous and appears to be a type of cancer that usually appears in the colon.


They have scheduled another surgery today where they will remove more of the tumor with a laser.


The fact that Mera made it through the surgery means a lot. And it appears that she is out of immediate danger. (Thank you for all your prayers… Please keep them coming) The doctors are saying that Mera will be unable to speak for the next 6 months. There is a chance that this might be permanent, so we will be teaching her sign language ASAP.


Mera is a fighter, no doubt about that! We are looking at a long road of recovery but we remain hopeful. That’s it for now I really don’t have any more to report. I’ll know more on Monday.



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Wow, I have been away from the OT forum for a few days.


Prayers for strength to all, Nick, especially Mera.


Need anything, PM me.


After a 13 hour surgery the Doctors reported that they were able to remove 80% of the tumor.  They said that the tumor looks cancerous and appears to be a type of cancer that usually appears in the colon.


They have scheduled another surgery today where they will remove more of the tumor with a laser.


The fact that Mera made it through the surgery means a lot.  And it appears that she is out of immediate danger. (Thank you for all your prayers… Please keep them coming) The doctors are saying that Mera will be unable to speak for the next 6 months.  There is a chance that this might be permanent, so we will be teaching her sign language ASAP. 


Mera is a fighter, no doubt about that!  We are looking at a long road of recovery but we remain hopeful.  That’s it for now I really don’t have any more to report.  I’ll know more on Monday.




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