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Enough of this, what will Dallas do?


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Will they change the offense to a short passing game next year in order to help Bledsoe? :w00t:

I can't believe that Parcells is going to flame out by sticking with Drew :(

Good on them! And Jerry. Good on all them boys!

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Will they change the offense to a short passing game next year in order to help Bledsoe?  :w00t:

I can't believe that Parcells is going to flame out by sticking with Drew  :(

Good on them! And Jerry. Good on all them boys!


when drew was here he missed a lot of short passes . one hoppers or over the head 6 feet

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Will they change the offense to a short passing game next year in order to help Bledsoe?  :w00t:

I can't believe that Parcells is going to flame out by sticking with Drew  :(

Good on them! And Jerry. Good on all them boys!



Just to stir the pot... :lol:


They pick up Jon Kitna!


Which would not be a bad idea for them. Small hands and all, if Kitna plays in an offense more tailored to his abilities than the one Cincy obviously tailored to Palmer, and gets 1st team practice reps, he might fit in there. He ran around like a mad chicken in the PGH p-o game (the OL did good by him), but was completing passes pretty much to his 2nd team buddie, Kevin Walter while the B'gals dumbly abandoned the run.


He sure would appreciate DAL tight end Witten - B'gal's te performance his season with Palmer, wearing the usual 1st-year starter horse blinders, fell into the toilet. Nothing of note in his 2nd. If he recovers, I'm not sure if Palmer will ever be much of a passer to a TE.


I wonder if the Cows will look to the qb position in the draft...dunno.

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Depends on Palmer's long-term status. Last I heard it was a pretty serious injury that puts his career in jeopardy. I think Cincy keeps Kitna to have a half-way decent back-up for Palmer or anybody else.



They're sunk if Palmer doesn't get back. He got 15M cash this month, gets 9M in Feb '07 - 24 million bucks hard cash, plus a 15M cap hit - which they can spread over 5 years, and who knows what will be what if and when a new CBA is hammered out.


His contract reworking - two or three days before the shoulder pad knee shot with von Olehofen's arm wrap-around, was actually meant to help cap - has exploded in their face. Cap considerations aside, forking over 24 million for a possibly defunct player hurts the ability to competitively pay other players.


A word to the wise - a top pick of a qb carries risk if he gets knocked out or is a bust.


But sure, Kitna may stay - like I said - pot stirring...

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A word to the wise - a top pick of a qb carries risk if he gets knocked out or is a bust.


But sure, Kitna may stay - like I said - pot stirring...



I agree but special QBs are hard to come by and teams are wise to lock up the ones that come their way. It is a difficult situation that can only be handled contractually - if he is injured then payments are reduced to minimize cap hit. Not sure what the league rules are in this regard.

Stepping back, I think if (hope not) Palmer's injury is career ending, then Cincy has more trouble than simple $$ - they have to find a capable starter which as we all know is an art by itself.

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I agree but special QBs are hard to come by and teams are wise to lock up the ones that come their way. It is a difficult situation that can only be handled contractually - if he is injured then payments are reduced to minimize cap hit. Not sure what the league rules are in this regard.

Stepping back, I think if (hope not) Palmer's injury is career ending, then Cincy has more trouble than simple $$ - they have to find a capable starter which as we all know is an art by itself.



Yes, 'tis a balancing act. But even putting cap aside, 24 million bucks that has to be paid out regardless if Palmer never shows up, hurts in retaining decent players and buying new ones.


Every team has to look at their total revenue, and owners have to decide how much they want to extract out of their property. Believe me, there wasn't much sympathy 4 or so years ago when the B'gals owner was complaining that he "only" cleared 10 million for his personal pocket! He even had the rocks to complain that after all, it was his only source of income. :devil:


I suspect that you or I getting a net ten million - one time - would be happy 'till we croaked. :lol:

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I suspect that you or I getting a net ten million - one time - would be happy 'till we croaked. :devil:



Taking this off-topic now: but it depends on how much you have invested. So if you are GE, a multi-billion dollar enterprise, $10 million is not much. But yes, if it is you or me, I wouldn't even be able to croak for a few weeks. What I am saying is that considering the owner's level of investment, he may be correct in saying 'only $10 million'.

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Will they change the offense to a short passing game next year in order to help Bledsoe?  :lol:

I can't believe that Parcells is going to flame out by sticking with Drew  :devil:

Good on them! And Jerry. Good on all them boys!



They had no running game the 2nd half of the year. How convenient of you to omit this. Purposely.


They also need to upgrade at WR. Their line is pretty decent except for the pass rush.

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