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IS this guy the biggest Pats whinner of all time?


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Seriously, is the Patsie fan whinning ever going to end? I didn't know this Simmons guy was such a Patsie fanboy. Remind me to never read his drivel again.




Consider this gem:


"At the same time, that was a Hall of Fame "No F-ing Way Game," between the killer turnovers and the consistently ludicrous officiating (did Jeff Triplett bury Ed Hochuli in a shallow grave or something?), only none of us could hit the reset button and start the game over. Unbelievable. I still can't get over it. One of the toughest Boston losses ever. Grace period, schmace period"


Five words pal:




At lease he's man enough to admit the Broncos played well. I guess when the refs cheat for NE everyone else is jealous of the "Dynasty" and whinning. When they actually get ONE bad call, and the PI was a crappy call, it's a no-holds barred tear fest cause the poor, disrespected Patriots got fleeced.


DISGUSTING!!!!!!! ;)


What does make me feel better is watching the Bellyache press conference. I feel like Cartman in the episode where he kills Scott Timmerman's parents:


"yes! YES! Let me taste your tears Billy, your tears are so yummy and sweet"! <_<





Does it make me a bad person for taking pleasure in the Pats demise this year? I don't care, all I know is I can actually watch the SB this year without throwing up...

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