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The Assassination of the Character of Jack Murtha


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dems seem to forget that they attacked  a REAL HERO as a doddering old man back in 1996.

Bob Dole is a real hero. He was way more qualified than clinton. I couldn't believe that more of the US population (definitely not a majority) liked that draft dodging hillbilly whorehopper than a real patriot.


A real hero Bob Dole may have been, but he was no real leader. He had no vision for the future, nor a particularly great track record of Washington-based accomplishments.


On the other hand, your criticisms of Clinton are spot-on. The election of 1996 was one which both candidates deserved to lose. The same could be said about the elections of 1992, 2000, 2004 . . . well you get the point.


We need to radically reform ourselves, so that we don't again suffer from the embarrassment of a Clinton presidency. Only then will we have the legitimacy to impose our views and our systems of government on the Iraqs of the world.


Not that this should be our goal. But right now, it's absolutely ridiculous for a country with as many problems as ours to impose our system elsewhere. To give just one example, the percentage of GDP consumed by the government is on a long and steady increase. I'm not just talking about the Bush years or the Clinton years; I'm describing a decades-long trend.

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