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I don't understand the seeming lack of urgency

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Just out of curiosity... last time TD hired a HC, weren't people all over him for making the deal with Mularkey instead of waiting to talk to the guys whose teams were still in the playoffs? (Weis, Crennell, et al.)


Mularkey was hired on January 14th of '04, and it was too soon. Today's date is January 17th, the conference championship games haven't been played (meaning guys like Grimm can't even be interviewed yet), and this time the Bills are dragging their feet?




That's enough of the reason thing. We're fighting for the back seat on the short bus!

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Is it just me, or does it seem there seems to be no rush in interviewing anyone for the job, except for Dick Jauron.  We get permission to talk to Sean Payton days ago, and then what?  He takes a job in NO while he's waiting for Levy to call??  Mangini?  Did anyone contact him?  Rivera is free to talk now...why no interview scheduled?  Haslett has been floating like a fart in the air for a week now!!


I want to believe in Levy and Wilson, but they gotta show me something.





Maybe the guy they want is not yet available i.e. LeBeau. After watching the way Pitt's D dealt with Manning & Co. I wouldn't be surprised.

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Just to be clear...I'm not complaining that the Bills haven't hired a coach yet, only that they aren't scheduling enough interviews with enough qualified candidates. People are getting scooped up before we can even call them. I hope that we talk to a few more folks. If we hire Jauron after one interview, I will be very skeptical.



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Just out of curiosity... last time TD hired a HC, weren't people all over him for making the deal with Mularkey instead of waiting to talk to the guys whose teams were still in the playoffs? (Weis, Crennell, et al.)


Mularkey was hired on January 14th of '04, and it was too soon. Today's date is January 17th, the conference championship games haven't been played (meaning guys like Grimm can't even be interviewed yet), and this time the Bills are dragging their feet?




Yes they are. They got permission from Dallas to interview Payton days ago. Well WTF happened? Before they even brought him here he had a new job. The Bills are too fu*king slow at this process. Not that I was a big fan of Haslett's, but he expressed interest in the job and before we talked to him, Detroit snagged him. Slow, slow, slow is the Bills M.O. Always has been since I have been around and probably will be until RW is gone.

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