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Finding housing in NYC

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Here is my situation -- my g/f and I are looking to move in together in NYC and have viewed apartment listings via craigs list and have come across several enticing places for rent in Queens and Brooklyn. My g/f is a graduate of the U of Columbia and currently banks good coin working in the financial district and she has immaculate credit.


I, OTOH, am a full time Masters student, working a measley 15 hours a week with piss poor credit but with a substantial amount of loan money (nearly $5,000) coming in a few weeks.


My dillema is that my g/f has already said that she would cover about 2/3 of the rent while I am at school, however, as applicants of various apartments, we are required to submit information regarding our credit history along with pay stubbs (I currently make $180 every 2 weeks) and bank statements (I work on campus and haven't worked in 3 1/2 weeks) to showcase our ability to make rent when our rent is due.


Do any of you guys have any suggestions as to how I can overcome this obstacle? Could I possibly pursue a co-sign through the parentals?? Should my g/f be the only one on the lease??


Any suggestions would be helpful in anyway.


Thanks in advance.



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I'm no expert, but why not just have your girlfriend be the only one named on the lease?  What's the downside?  If you two broke up you couldn't afford to stay at the apartment you'll get anyway.



Thought about that, but would the landlord (of a large apartment building) only give out one set of keys?? Would I have to technically be on the lease in order to get a set myself??

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Thought about that, but would the landlord (of a large apartment building) only give out one set of keys??  Would I have to technically be on the lease in order to get a set myself??



I don't know, but I can't imagine even if you were a single person renting an apartment that they'd only give you one set of keys. Realistically though if your girlfriend can afford the place on her own I don't think it'll matter if they put your name on the place or not. But like I said I'm just some !@#$ on the internet and no expert in renting apartments.

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Thought about that, but would the landlord (of a large apartment building) only give out one set of keys??  Would I have to technically be on the lease in order to get a set myself??



You're working on your masters and you can't figure this out for yourself. Go to !@#$in Walmart and get a 2nd set of keys made. :D:D

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You're working on your masters and you can't figure this out for yourself.  Go to !@#$in Walmart and get a 2nd set of keys made.   :huh:  :lol:



A lot of apartment keys are marked "Do not copy" on them. Not saying you couldn't find someone to make you a copy, but the more reputable places wouldn't.

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You're working on your masters and you can't figure this out for yourself.  Go to !@#$in Walmart and get a 2nd set of keys made.  :lol:  :lol:






Even if the locks do say "do not copy" get a copy. Happens all the time. If not, your GF should ask the new landlord for two sets, in case of an emergency. If that is not acceptable - learn to knock.

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You're working on your masters and you can't figure this out for yourself.  Go to !@#$in Walmart and get a 2nd set of keys made.


:lol: :lol:


Even if the locks do say "do not copy" get a copy. Happens all the time. If not, your GF should ask the new landlord for two sets, in case of an emergency. If that is not acceptable - learn to knock.





This place cracks me up sometimes.....

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I don't know, but I can't imagine even if you were a single person renting an apartment that they'd only give you one set of keys.  Realistically though if your girlfriend can afford the place on her own I don't think it'll matter if they put your name on the place or not.  But like I said I'm just some !@#$ on the internet and no expert in renting apartments.


Ahh, but it will my good doctor. Unfortunetely, I have some experience in this area. Back in da day, my credit for chit as well. When my wife and I would apply for credit, often times the responce came back that my name being on the application hurt what rate we would be offered, or we could even be turned down. However, take my name off, and as her as the only applicant, lowest rate etc, etc. .


Guess they figure us knucklehead guys coould screw it uo agian somehow lol

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A lot of apartment keys are marked "Do not copy" on them.  Not saying you couldn't find someone to make you a copy, but the more reputable places wouldn't.




Doc, he's moving to NYC. I'd bet $1000 that the first hardware store you walked into wouldn't even blink before making all the key copies you want, no matter what it says on the key.

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You're working on your masters and you can't figure this out for yourself.  Go to !@#$in Walmart and get a 2nd set of keys made.  :huh:  :lol:




Sorry, no Wal Mart in NYC. They don't pay a high enough "living wage" to satasfy certain special interest groups.


Of course, that means Doc will have to pay four times as much to get his key copied. And it means all those would be Wal Mart employees are still on the unemployment line. :lol:

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Sorry, no Wal Mart in NYC.  They don't pay a high enough "living wage" to satasfy certain special interest groups.


Of course, that means Doc will have to pay four times as much to get his key copied.  And it means all those would be Wal Mart employees are still on the unemployment line.  :huh:



Damn special interests are driving up the costs of keys! Assemble the mob and light the torches!

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Sorry, no Wal Mart in NYC.  They don't pay a high enough "living wage" to satasfy certain special interest groups.


Of course, that means Doc will have to pay four times as much to get his key copied.  And it means all those would be Wal Mart employees are still on the unemployment line.  :huh:



Not to turn this into a whole Wal-Mart is evil or not debate, but it seems strange that stores like K-Mart are acceptable, but not Wal-Mart. I'm pretty sure if you polled the workers at NYC K-Mart they'd say they're not getting a living wage.

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Damn special interests are driving up the costs of keys! Assemble the mob and light the torches!



Or, disassemble the mob and put out the torches and stop stirring up ignorant people in an attempt to vilify one particular entity out of a trillion dollar economy. :huh:



Not to turn this into a whole Wal-Mart is evil or not debate, but it seems strange that stores like K-Mart are acceptable, but not Wal-Mart.  I'm pretty sure if you polled the workers at NYC K-Mart they'd say they're not getting a living wage.




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Or, disassemble the mob and put out the torches and stop stirring up ignorant people in an attempt to vilify one particular entity out of a trillion dollar economy.  :huh:




Wal-Mart is evil - but what does this have to do with BobFreakinVilla's problem? Hey, if he is BobfreakinVilla couldn't he just make his own keys?

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You're working on your masters and you can't figure this out for yourself.  Go to !@#$in Walmart and get a 2nd set of keys made.  :huh:  :lol:



In security conscious NYC, landlords are starting to use these:


Uncopyable locks.


These are keys that can only be duplicated by registered owner or in the presence of the serial card. They will charge a premium for replacement (in some cases $150) for the inconveniece for the corporation's 'keymaster' to dig up the original key tag and docs and shlep down to have new copies made.


Obviously, I have thought about that.

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In security conscious NYC, landlords are starting to use these:


Uncopyable locks.


These are keys that can only be duplicated by registered owner or in the presence of the serial card.  They will charge a premium for replacement (in some cases $150) for the inconveniece for the corporation's 'keymaster' to dig up the original key tag and docs and shlep down to have new copies made. 


Obviously, I have thought about that.



You may want to see if the future landlord will be using these James Bond-ian locks. But who cares? You are Bob Freaking Villa!

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You may want to see if the future landlord will be using these James Bond-ian locks. But who cares? You are Bob Freaking Villa!



The name of the show is "This Old House". Emphasis on the word "Old". Besides, my lock picking abilities aren't what they used to be.

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They will charge a premium for replacement (in some cases $150) for the inconveniece for the corporation's 'keymaster' to dig up the original key tag and docs and shlep down to have new copies made.


Would that be Vince, Vince Klorthos: Keymaster of Gozer?



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