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The Sopranos


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Well get with the program, mama!  :huh:



*spoilers* lol


the scene where adriana is taken out has to be one of the top scenes in Sopranos history. the thing that sucks is someone had told me already about it not knowing that i had not seen season 5 yet. it really shows how little caring these characters have while we at sometimes believe that tony might have had a heart


ah well

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*spoilers* lol


the scene where adriana is taken out has to be one of the top scenes in Sopranos history.  the thing that sucks is someone had told me already about it not knowing that i had not seen season 5 yet.  it really shows how little caring these characters have while we at sometimes believe that tony might have had a heart


ah well



what? what would you expect from people who have killed their own blood relatives when you risk their lifelong imprisonment


my favorite was when paulie and christopher were stuck out in the woods together and the russian got away and stole their ride...............


we never again heard from the russian again, but maybe he comes back in again after christopher hooks up with this russian girlfriend

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Actually, it keeps my hopes alive! :huh:


When the "Sopranos" was still new, and kind of a cult thing, this really hot girl, at a concert I was at, thought I was Gandolfini!  I am not quite as large (he wasn't quite as large back then either) but just as bald.  I thought she was joking at first, and played along with it.  Then, it became apparent that she was serious.  My girlfriend at the time, was this gorgeous Brazilian girl I worked with (way out of my leauge), which, I guess, made it all the more believable...



LOL, that's a great story......Gandolfini isn't a bad looking guy, I just don't want to have to see the fugger half naked :w00t: I tell you what, though, I hope one day before I die I can say the words, "my girlfriend is a gorgeous Brazilian", lol......that must have been nice :w00t: Best I can say now is I dated a "beautiful blonde German", but that's not quite as exotic as yours :blink:

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*spoilers* lol


the scene where adriana is taken out has to be one of the top scenes in Sopranos history.  the thing that sucks is someone had told me already about it not knowing that i had not seen season 5 yet.  it really shows how little caring these characters have while we at sometimes believe that tony might have had a heart


ah well




I actually had a similar experience. By the end of season 4 (Netflix) I had pretty much fallen in love with Adrianna, lol.....Season 5 had not been released on DVD yet, but HBO was in the process of replaying it on cable. Well, one night I couldn't find anything on tv but I saw that an episode from season 5 was on, well, I gave in to temptation. Not only was I pleasantly surprised to see Bucemi (which made me look forward to seeing the season in its entirety even more), but I also had to endure the Adrianna scene. I have to agree with you that it was brilliantly done, but wow.....I was heartbroken! I guess if we had to give her up in order to keep Christopher, it was worth it......I think he's the most interesting character on the show. But MAN, that sucked to see that happen to her! lol

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