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There will be a trade between Philly and the Bills

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i always thought it was a good situation to be in,two hungry runningbacks pushing each other for the top spot.hey i have no loyalty start the guy who does better at the end of camp and then maybe trade one of em next season,go bills in '04

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I remember the last back we had here that had a game knee, - rushed for about 500 yds as a rookie, while Ronnie HighonHimselfHarmon grabbed the starts and most of the stats and glory. If the douchebag didn't try to catch a pass in the Cleveland endzone with his welder's facemask we might not have seen how good Thurmal really was.


I don't know about you guys, but I have homeowners and auto insurance. Got some life insurance too. Life's a little too risky to run around nekkid without protection of some kind.


This is about $. It's all about $.

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i'd look into it, nfc east has always been a big runner division... philly or no team in the nfl is going to give away a offensive lineman at this stage... but if we can get a another no. 1 and locate dwight adams, i'd trade henry... i don't think philly could handle willis' incentives, with the signings they did this spring

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I don't blame either one of these RB's for wanting to start. Tom Donahoe created this situation he better make it right.


This is absolutely silly. Most of this hoopla is caused by the fans and media. Let it rest. I sometimes think Bills fans could screw up a wet dream.

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