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I gained a little bit of respect for Brady tonight


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Yes but I wasn't exaggerating  ...

Okay, you weren't. I expect you to produce photographic evidence, then, of any NFL DB anally penetrating any NFL WR - or otherwise coercing them into uninvited sexual activity - at any point in history.


If you cannot do this, then your statement is hyperbolical.


THAT'S the meaning of the word. Feel free to add it to your vocabulary.

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Okay, you weren't.  I expect you to produce photographic evidence, then, of any NFL DB anally penetrating any NFL WR - or otherwise coercing them into uninvited sexual activity - at any point in history.


If you cannot do this, then your statement is hyperbolical.


THAT'S the meaning of the word.  Feel free to add it to your vocabulary.



The definition:


rape1 ( P ) Pronunciation Key (rp)


1.The crime of forcing another person to submit to sex acts, especially sexual intercourse.


2.The act of seizing and carrying off by force; abduction.


3. Abusive or improper treatment; violation:


These are the 3 explanations for rape ... I choose #3 ... thus no evidence required. If you watched that game you would know that.

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In my mind there still is no question who the best QB in the league is. And his name isn't Manning.






This is the kind of thing that makes people (OK...me) crazy. Brady is a damn good QB. Unless he falls apart tomorrow (and maybe even if he does) he will be a HOF QB. But, to compare him favorably to Manning is so over-the-top stupid (I'm not calling you stupid...just your assertion), it begs reatliation by some.


Brady is a terrific player. He is Bart Starr, Joe Montana (maybe), Bob Griese, etc. He's smart, tough and lucky (always a big plus, IMO). BUT, Brady couldn't play in the old Raider system. If Brady played with Houston this year, he'd be considered a bum. (He's not a bum...I'm saying he's a very good QB...k?)


Manning would be a great QB on ANY team in ANY year. He is one of the great QBs of ALL TIME. If you switched Brady and Manning, the Pats would be better (they actually might win today) and the Colts would be worse. In fact there is NO team in the NFL today that wouldn't be better with Manning at QB. If Manning played with the Texans, we'd be talking about how sad it is that this GREAT QB has to play with such a crappy team.


Peyton is better than his father, Archie. Archie played on the equivilant of the Texans his whole career...yet, anyone who know anything about football, understands he was one of the greatest to ever strap it up.


IMO, the backlash against Brady comes from BS like this. I commented earlier (perhaps in another thread) that IMO, Steve Young was a better QB than Joe Montana. I'm NOT dissing Joe. He deserves his props...he earned them. But Steve did things Joe couldn't do. The same is true here. What can Brady do that Manning can't? That's a rhetorical question...because, the anwer is "Nothing".


And...before you break this nugget out...TEAMS win, not QBs (or any single player position, for that matter).

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And...before you break this nugget out...TEAMS win, not QBs (or any single player position, for that matter).



Well if that's true, then how could Manning have made NE win tonight? Or for that matter make NE better and the Colts worse?


You cannot simply dismiss winning, moxie, leadership and pure heart from the single most important position in all of sports. It can't be done. I have played on teams with great QBs, and teams with great leaders who played QB. And I always won more with the leader than the kid with the golden arm.

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Well if that's true, then how could Manning have made NE win tonight? Or for that matter make NE better and the Colts worse?


You cannot simply dismiss winning, moxie, leadership and pure heart from the single most important position in all of sports. It can't be done. I have played on teams with great QBs, and teams with great leaders who played QB. And I always won more with the leader than the kid with the golden arm.




No doubt. But, Manning has the "golden arm" and the "leadership" and "moxie" and "heart". Add "intelligence" to that, as well.


While I'm not saying NE would have won with Manning today, they would have had a beter chance because they would have had more options...and a more skilled player at the most important position. If they had Steve Young (not today, mind you), they would have had even more options.

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No doubt.  But, Manning has the "golden arm" and the "leadership" and "moxie" and "heart".  Add "intelligence" to that, as well.


While I'm not saying NE would have won with Manning today, they would have had a beter chance because they would have had more options...and a more skilled player at the most important position.  If they had Steve Young (not today, mind you), they would have had even more options.



I hear what you are saying and agree Manning has more tools. But, call me a stickler, the guy has to show me he can win the big one. And he has never shown that ability. It has been the knock on him since he was at Tennessee.


When the game gets tight, Manning has the unbelievable ability to out-think himself. He thinks TOO hard and makes mistakes where as Brady goes out and plays. His teammates respond to that.


You make a great comparison w/ Young and Montanta. Both won super bowls, both different style players. For me, I think of Kelly vs Marino. Marino was the better passer by far (sorry to say), but Kelly was the better leader. Neither won the big game, but Kelly still brought his team to the dance more than Dan did. Give me Kelly any day.


(and I feel slightly disturbed that I am blowing Brady up this much...it goes against every fiber of my being. lol)

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(and I feel slightly disturbed that I am blowing Brady up this much...it goes against every fiber of my being. lol)




Well STOP it then! :(

Remember how many years Elway went w/o winning the BIG ONE? Unless I'm mistaken, he was good for ALL of those years...not just the two he won the ring. That's Manning, IMO.


If it make you feel better, Brady has had the luxury of playing for the best coach since (actually, probably better than) Lombardi. Take ALL of Parcells accolades and give then to Bill B, as far as I'm concerned. Parcells has done little-to-nothing out of the ordinary since they parted ways.

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Well STOP it then!  :blink:

Remember how many years Elway went w/o winning the BIG ONE?  Unless I'm mistaken, he was good for ALL of those years...not just the two he won the ring.  That's Manning, IMO.


If it make you feel better, Brady has had the luxury of playing for the best coach since (actually, probably better than) Lombardi.  Take ALL of Parcells accolades and give then to Bill B, as far as I'm concerned.  Parcells has done little-to-nothing out of the ordinary since they parted ways.



It's another good point with Elway. Okay fine, I will stop the Brady talk for the night. I think living in Boston is rubbing off on me :unsure::angry:


Elway is a good point. I like Manning and hope he proves me wrong this year. But I still need him to show me :(

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My dictionary has a single literal definition:


"the crime, committed by a man, of forcing another person to have sexual intercourse with him without their consent and against their will, esp. by the threat or use of violence against them"


What the hell kind of dictionary do you read? Must be some "Dawgged" NE form of the dictionary. Please explain to me how rape can only be committed by a man? I am pretty sure that women can commit rape also. Like the 30 year old teacher that was charged for rape for forcing a young student to have sex with her. :(


Your credibility is weakening ever so much here.

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In my mind there still is no question who the best QB in the league is. And his name isn't Manning.



I appreciate your enthusiasm- Losman will be good, I agree....but he's not at that level yet :(

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Public Service Announcement: This is a Buffalo Bills Board. Also, the Patriettes are no longer in the playoffs. Therefore, all Brady, Belichick and Bruschi LoveFests are hereby forbidden in this forum... at least until the 2006 season.






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Not once has Peyton Manning taken the better team into a playoff game against the Patriots. Not once have the Colts played a playoff game against New England at home.


If Peyton Manning had the last 5 seasons with New England's defense, he too would have at least three rings.


This is not discounting how good a quarterback Tom Brady is, because he's very good. But there is no way a Patriot fan is going to be objective about this debate.

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