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Enough yap about hiring Haslett because he's a former Bill or because he "understands" what it means to be a Bill more than other coaches. That equals zero wins. Zero. Try and spin it any way you want, it ain't equating to any increased success.


Loyalty in sports is worthless. If the Patriots had been loyal, Brady would have been benched for Bledsoe and the Pats would have won squat. There's no room for loyalty amongst players or coaches in this BUSINESS. You bring in the personnel who give you the best chance to win. Period.


Do you honestly think NFL players will buy into some rah-rah crap someone who "loves" Buffalo will throw at them? If you do, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you. These guys are professionals. Maybe it works when some college coach tries to instill what it means to be a Longhorn or a Blue Devil or a Fighting Irishman. Not in the pros. These guys may love or hate the fans their playing for, but they don't play for them or the community. So unless Haslett gives the Buffalo Bills the best chance to win by being the best teacher and communicator with his staff and roster, I don't want him anywhere close to One Bills Drive.


On an unrelated topic, why the obsession for Mike Martz? Sure he was a good offensive coordinator for a niche team (built for speed in a dome), but once he took over the head coaching duties of a team someone else built for him, their productivity and success began to disappear. Not to mention very public tiffs he's had with former players. This guy is a monster ego maniac and I guarantee you won't see him going back to coordinate any time soon. He wants control, and he wants it now.

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