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a rumor site with a sense of humor!

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This is from "profootballtalk.com", one of my favorites, not because they're necessarily accurate but because they have a sense of humor about pro football:


"Though former Bills Pro Bowl linebacker Jim Haslett is regarded as the favorite to replace recently former Bills coach Mike Mularkey, we're told that the list of candidates has some "interesting names" on it.


We've don't know any of the supposedly "interesting names" at this point, but we're working on it.


For now, we'll throw a few of the "interesting names" possibly identified by the dyspeptic duo of Ralph Wilson and Mary Levy in the hopes that, through dumb luck (emphasis on the "dumb"), we'll get one or two of them right.



Jim Kelly. Mike Ditka. Deion Sanders. Jim Mora. Frank Reich. Vince Lombardi. Matt Millen. Chris Berman. Scott Norwood. The guy Levy once called an "overofficious jerk." Tim Russert. Donald Trump.



Stay tuned."

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Dean Bob Dobbs


How about this CD >>





Alabama 3




Surf, I know nothing of the Alabama 3. From a quick google, they seem to be an alt-pop/electronica band...and that would explain why I've never heard of them. Also, allmusic.com doesn't have "Outlaw" in their discography.


So, take me to school. What's the deal?

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