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OBL and Satellite Phones


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Mickey - This is a different instance. There was a specific instance that was more than just "detected conversations" - somebody came out and said "we're listening to all of his conversations on his satellite phone". This was during the Clinton Admin.


both suck.

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From van der Vat, "The Pacific Campaign" (which is a very good 1-volume treatment of the Pacific in WWII, by the way)...


[Japanese depth charges] had time fuses rather than the more sensitive but more complicated hydrostatic (pressure-operated) fuses favored by the Allies and Germans. The maximum setting of sixteen seconds would cause the depth charge to go off at eighty meters (over 250 feet). Originally they were set to go offo sooner, but Congressman Andrew Jackson May, a member of the Military Affairs Committee of the US House of Representatives, changed all that. After a tour of the Pacific war zone, he gave a press conference at which he said that American submarines were surviving well because the Japanese were setting their depth charges to go off too soon. This was a leak of which [...] the Japanese took full cognizance. Admiral Lockwood [Commander, Submarines, Pacific - DCT] was furious, reckoning (somehow) that this unpardonably stupid indiscretion cost the US Navy eight hundred men and ten boats.



That was in '42 or '43, and just ONE example from WWII (I have plenty of others). The inability to keep secrets isn't a Clinton/Bush thing...it's pretty much a systemic flaw in American government regardless of who's in what office.

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From van der Vat, "The Pacific Campaign" (which is a very good 1-volume treatment of the Pacific in WWII, by the way)...


That was in '42 or '43, and just ONE example from WWII (I have plenty of others).  The inability to keep secrets isn't a Clinton/Bush thing...it's pretty much a systemic flaw in American government regardless of who's in what office.



But only Bush wore a flight suit!

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