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Marv still wants to Coach!


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Just watched the press conference and was surprised that Marv tried deflecting the questions asked of him about coming back as the Bills Coach.


You could see it in his eyes he WANTS THE JOB!


This would be the straw that broke the camels back as we would officially be the laughing stock of the entire nation if Marv were to take over as Coach!



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This would be the straw that broke the camels back as we would officially be the laughing stock of the entire nation if Marv were to take over as Coach!


You're absolutely righT!! Just like Washington was the laughingstock when they hired Gibbs, and the Rams or Chiefs when they hired Vermeil.

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Again, the age thing. 


Reagan was President at 80, Alan Greenspan ran the country at 80...shall I continue?



Coaching these days in the NFL takes more out of a person than what you think!


What future do the Bills have with Marv as the Coach?


How long will he coach before he can't do it anymore and has to hand it over to someone else?


IF the Bills were just 1 player away and had a chance of winning THIS SEASON

I would say maybe, but not on a rebuilding team!

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Coaching these days in the NFL takes more out of a person than what you think!


What future do the Bills have with Marv as the Coach?


How long will he coach before he can't do it anymore and has to hand it over to someone else? 


IF the Bills were just 1 player away and had a chance of winning THIS SEASON

I would say maybe, but not on a rebuilding team!



Marv could probably show up at 12:30 on Sunday and just coach the games and he'd still do a better job than the last 2 coaches.

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Marv will not be the head coach...he kinda danced around it a bit but when he was forced to answer, he said taking the GM job means he wont be on the sidelines. So moving on...do the Bills actually go balls out and hire a respected coach like Sherman or Mooch or go the "familiar" route with Haslett or Cottrell?

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Again, the age thing. 


Reagan was President at 80, Alan Greenspan ran the country at 80...shall I continue?



Neither of these guys were HIRED when they were that age. Regan was 77 when he left office, Greenspan 80. Both are younger than Marv is now when they LEFT the job. There's a reason.


A NFL coaches job requires 15-18 hour work days (then again, so does a GMs). Can an 80 year old man put in those hours 10+ months a year? I'm not questioning Marv's mind, just his body.

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I think that Ralph said it best...delegation. If Marv had the right coordinators, experienced and strong, it could work out.


Slothrop...Warren Buffett is 75 years old, Jack McKeon won a World Series at 73, Connie Mack managed until he was 88 years old, Ben Franklin helped write the US Constitution at 81 years old, I could continue, but don't feel like Googling any more.


Hey, why not? He's healthy and rested.

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Marv will not be the head coach...he kinda danced around it a bit but when he was forced to answer, he said taking the GM job means he wont be on the sidelines.  So moving on...do the Bills actually go balls out and hire a respected coach like Sherman or Mooch or go the "familiar" route with Haslett or Cottrell?




I am thinking Bobby April would be a ballsy, solid choice. The guy has been around the leauge long enough, has had success everywhere he has been, and might be able to lure some solid assistants...


I really want no part of Haslett. I think he just has a negative vibe to him, and his teams in New Orleans, the Raiders and Pittsburgh always had inner-friction problems. I just think he still has a little too much of the hot head in him, to be a great coach. He is too quick to shoot from the hip, says and does dumb things, is as much of a distraction to his teams as any of his players have been, and is not a great leader....

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Again, the age thing. 


Reagan was President at 80, Alan Greenspan ran the country at 80...shall I continue?



Alan Greenspan's term ended when he was 79. Ronald Reagan left office at the age of 78.



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You're absolutely righT!!  Just like Washington was the laughingstock when they hired Gibbs, and the Rams or Chiefs when they hired Vermeil.



regardless of age - they could actually coach



Marv's strength was as an administrator-


he should stick to his strength and hire some top flight coaches to delegate to

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I'm not questioning Marv's mind, just his body.



Marv is a health nut. He eats all the right foods and jogs 15 miles a week. His mind AND body are in way better shape than most of the fat !@#$s who post here.


I'd rather not have Marv coach either, but not because of his age - because I think he can be a great GM, and I'd rather have him devote all his time and energy towards that.

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I think that Ralph said it best...delegation.  If Marv had the right coordinators, experienced and strong, it could work out.


Slothrop...Warren Buffett is 75 years old, Jack McKeon won a World Series at 73, Connie Mack managed until he was 88 years old, Ben Franklin helped write the US Constitution at 81 years old, I could continue, but don't feel like Googling any more.


Hey, why not?  He's healthy and rested.



You're missing the point!


Why not? - Because this will be a rebuilding project that will take 2-3 years.

What does Marv do? - Coach the team for 3 years and then hand it over to another Coach who will bring in his own people and he we go again.


They need someone who they feel can Coach the team for 5+ years at least!

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