Beerball Posted January 13, 2006 Posted January 13, 2006 SDS said: I think the story that is just as big is that people are talking about this possibility from within OBD. That speaks to the chaos that is emminating from there. It does sound like BS to me, but the fact that anyone who is in charge is gone home to other states and the staff is left twisting in the wind to talk amongst themselves is telling. 565054[/snapback] But it is nonsensical. The whole enchilada I mean. I get you about MM feeling like he was left on the Titanic sans life rafts. If that's the case...shame on Ralph and Marv. I don't give a rats patottie whether the business people were at OBD. This is a football organization, and if nobody from the football side was there the day after all of these changes...for shame!
dave mcbride Posted January 13, 2006 Posted January 13, 2006 Beerball said: So you are saying it didn't happen and that makes sense, or it did happen and that makes sense? 565049[/snapback] no, i'm saying that the thrust of his post -- that the atmosphere at one bills drive is chaotic and bordering on poisonous right now -- makes sense.
Beerball Posted January 13, 2006 Posted January 13, 2006 dave mcbride said: no, i'm saying that the thrust of his post -- that the atmosphere at one bills drive is chaotic and bordering on poisonous right now -- makes sense. 565064[/snapback] I'm just busting a little here, so I'll give it one more go. Chaos makes sense?
2003Contenders Posted January 13, 2006 Posted January 13, 2006 Note that Scott didn't say that JG purposely threw any games. He just stated that he didn't put forth his best effort. While this is certainly unprofessional, it is at least different from intentionally losing. Based on the rumors we heard that Gray had submitted his resignation, which was refused, prior to the conclusion of the last regular season game, Scott's report actually does carry some credibility. This is starting to get plain silly.
dry martini Posted January 13, 2006 Posted January 13, 2006 SDS said: I think the story that is just as big is that people are talking about this possibility from within OBD. That speaks to the chaos that is emminating from there. It does sound like BS to me, but the fact that anyone who is in charge is gone home to other states and the staff is left twisting in the wind to talk amongst themselves is telling. 565054[/snapback] You can be assured that Jerry Gray was not intentionally throwing in the towel by making bad calls and Scott said nothing of the sort. However, talk within the organization suggesting that he did is quite possible. What would you expect to happen to an overly proud defensive unit (both coaches and players) who imploded within one year. Yes, injuries played a part and poor management of the P Williams issue, but anytime such a dramatic turnaround occurs there is bound to be finger-pointing. Blackmon, Szabo are fired, Gray retained so he can interview for a HC spot, utter chaos. Hence, the "aggressive gamble that almost was" made during the 4th quarter of week 17 suddenly becomes fodder for throwing in the towel accusations.
Kultarr Posted January 13, 2006 Posted January 13, 2006 SDS said: There is talk within the organization that Jerry Gray, knowing that he was going, may have not put forth <cough, cough> his best effort the last couple of games and maybe even made some ridiculous calls on pupose. Reportedly Sabo and him got into it because some of the coaches understood the absurdity of what Gray was doing. This may be horseshit, but the fact that people are talking about this at OBD is messed up. 565016[/snapback] To intentionally do a poor job is never a smart move and amounts to career suicide. I don't think Jerry Gray is that sort of person myself. (He's highly intelligent and motivated by all accounts.) More likely there was a lot of confusion, chaos, and self-preservation instincts flying around OBD in the last days as Donahoe played his fiddle and OBD burned to the ground (errant sparks from the bonfires of protest sign apparently). The fact that OBD still has Gray in the wind, Mularkey's waffling and quitting, and rumor mills of "he said/she said" running wild is not good. Somebody needs to start cleaning things up and putting the house back in order. What a mess.
Johnny Posted January 13, 2006 Posted January 13, 2006 Kultarr said: To intentionally do a poor job is never a smart move and amounts to career suicide. I don't think Jerry Gray is that sort of person myself. (He's highly intelligent and motivated by all accounts.) More likely there was a lot of confusion, chaos, and self-preservation instincts flying around OBD in the last days as Donahoe played his fiddle and OBD burned to the ground (errant sparks from the bonfires of protest sign apparently). The fact that OBD still has Gray in the wind, Mularkey's waffling and quitting, and rumor mills of "he said/she said" running wild is not good. Somebody needs to start cleaning things up and putting the house back in order. What a mess. 565078[/snapback] and people scoff at me for saying the bengals really didnt want the win.......lmao.......i hope they all read this thread but doubt they'll understand any of it
GG Posted January 13, 2006 Posted January 13, 2006 VABills said: Wow. But again, this just goes to show that Mularkey did have TDs ear and was getting his "draft choices" and "making the personnel decisions" like pissing off Adams, Moulds, starting JP, etc.... 565029[/snapback] How in the world did you arrive at that leap of logic? MM having a good working relationship with TD, means that he was dictating the draft choices?
bills_fan_in_raleigh Posted January 13, 2006 Posted January 13, 2006 SDS said: I think the story that is just as big is that people are talking about this possibility from within OBD. That speaks to the chaos that is emminating from there. It does sound like BS to me, but the fact that anyone who is in charge is gone home to other states and the staff is left twisting in the wind to talk amongst themselves is telling. 565054[/snapback] Could it be that Marv was in Chicago to talk further with Rusty Jones about the screw job from TD/MM? I know ya dont think much of Marv but it appears he has been engaged in many discussions with folks and players in the organization to start sorting things out. This JG stuff is interesting especially since his status has neever been announced yet all the assistants on that side of ball were fired.
SDS Posted January 13, 2006 Author Posted January 13, 2006 Sound_n_Fury said: How's your insurance looking... 565067[/snapback] yeah, commenting on a message board that some people think Jerry didn't give a good effort in some games and made some highly questionable calls is the stuff lawyers dream about. If you have nothing to add then just lurk quietly please.
udonkey Posted January 13, 2006 Posted January 13, 2006 Johnny said: and people scoff at me for saying the bengals really didnt want the win.......lmao.......i hope they all read this thread but doubt they'll understand any of it 565083[/snapback] Please, get over yourself. I'm so sick of your posts that do nothing but try to explain how smart/right you are and how dumb/wrong everyone else is.
Casey D Posted January 13, 2006 Posted January 13, 2006 dave mcbride said: no, i'm saying that the thrust of his post -- that the atmosphere at one bills drive is chaotic and bordering on poisonous right now -- makes sense. 565064[/snapback] Of course it makes sense. TD has been running this show for 5 years. Many of these folks in "turmoil" were hired by him--he is the only "father" they know. This chaos could have been avoided by maintaining the status quo. That would be nice for the employees--and there were good things about TD--but the product on the field sucked. If you are going to try and get a better product on the field, you have to break a few eggs, to mix a metaphor. Chaos will pass. Levy is a good man. New stability will emerge at OBD. And maybe this time, in due time, we will also get a decent football team with some heart and character--something that we have not had in oh so long... CD
HarkinBanks Posted January 13, 2006 Posted January 13, 2006 SDS said: So, the morning after the Levy announcement - where was everybody? Wilson in Detroit, Levy in Chicago, Modrak in Georgia(?).... Nobody around around, no one to answer to, the staff at OBD left swinging in the wind.... Contacts within the organization say the atmosphere is !@#$ed up. They are on pins and needles and that was BEFORE the MM announcement. There is talk within the organization that Jerry Gray, knowing that he was going, may have not put forth <cough, cough> his best effort the last couple of games and maybe even made some ridiculous calls on pupose. Reportedly Sabo and him got into it because some of the coaches understood the absurdity of what Gray was doing. This may be horseshit, but the fact that people are talking about this at OBD is messed up. MM wanted to resign last week, but was talked into staying (thus the delay into naming the HC), but after seeing how he was going to have to rebuild his staff and the lack of interest in joining a guy with a death watch - he said screw it. He had a good working relationship with TD. Source still claims JG is gone and has been gone - doesn't understand why the lack of a public announcement. Perhaps some deal was struck, so that he was "retained" until he found other work. That's it! It may be 100% right/wrong or a mix of the two, but that is what I heard. 565016[/snapback] I heard something VERY similar on a couple of your points. Szabo and Gray reportedly got into it, big time; however, I never heard anything about Gray making bad calls on purpose and find that impossible to believe. I also heard the exact same thing about JG being gone already and not announcing it until he finds another job.
PromoTheRobot Posted January 13, 2006 Posted January 13, 2006 nodnarb said: Ralph deserves a lot of blame for this chaos. This was handled POORLY, and in a way that could only result in other coaches around the league looking upon this organization with disdain. How the hell are we supposed to attract talent in this environment? Dark days...dark days. Scott, anything else? There's been so much conflicting info it's hard to understand what the truth is. 565034[/snapback] Ralph deserves the blame? How about the president of this clusterf***? This is the situation that Tom Donahoe helped create. Is this what Mort means when he calls Donahoe one of the best at what he does? PTR
dave mcbride Posted January 13, 2006 Posted January 13, 2006 Casey D said: Of course it makes sense. TD has been running this show for 5 years. Many of these folks in "turmoil" were hired by him--he is the only "father" they know. This chaos could have been avoided by maintaining the status quo. That would be nice for the employees--and there were good things about TD--but the product on the field sucked. If you are going to try and get a better product on the field, you have to break a few eggs, to mix a metaphor. Chaos will pass. Levy is a good man. New stability will emerge at OBD. And maybe this time, in due time, we will also get a decent football team with some heart and character--something that we have not had in oh so long... CD 565092[/snapback] i actually agree -- it'll pass and things will stabilize. whether the bills are good or not will be the key issue.
Kultarr Posted January 13, 2006 Posted January 13, 2006 What does make some sense, is that when you have a micromanager in the power position and then decide to make a change and let him go ... the ripple effect will be like a boulder tossed in a frog pond.
Coach Tuesday Posted January 13, 2006 Posted January 13, 2006 I'm sorry, but I blame Mularkey for ALL of this. First off, if the stuff about Gray is accurate, Mularkey's JOB was to put an immediate stop to it, while it was happening. If that meant firing Gray on the spot, fine; at the very least, he should have removed him from his playcalling role. Second, this so-called "vacuum" at OBD that sent Mularkey into a paranoid panic is just ridiculous. A strong leader with real stones would have seen the situation as an incredible opportunity to step up, take charge, and fill the leadership void, because no one was gonna stop him. Instead, the guy cries and quits. All of this just proves to me that Mularkey never was the right guy for the job - he seems to be saying now that he was hired to be Donahoe's lackey - that is, he never expected to have to lead the team in any meaningful way. Again, good riddance. This also tells me that we really need someone who is organized, prepared, and willing to come into a situation where strong leadership and character are required. This does NOT tell me that the job is unattractive - it's just unattractive to inexperienced, unprepared clowns who want a dominant GM making most of the decisions and taking most of the blame. We need a guy who is willing to step in and take charge of everything, to assume that no one is looking over his shoulder and that he has the freedom that accompanies RESPONSIBILITY to make important decisions. There are such leaders out there - we need Marv to find one. Haslett is NOT that guy. Jeff Fisher is. Wonder what it would take to get him.
Sound_n_Fury Posted January 13, 2006 Posted January 13, 2006 SDS said: yeah, commenting on a message board that some people think Jerry didn't give a good effort in some games and made some highly questionable calls is the stuff lawyers dream about. If you have nothing to add then just lurk quietly please. 565090[/snapback] I have a lot to add...but I'll take a chill pill and come back next week after the smoke's cleared and some sanity's returned to TSW. But I got to tell you, I don't appreciate you spreading unconfirmed rumors that could taint a person's career/reputation. You may think you're just "commenting on a message board," but this stuff about Grey takes on a life of its own once the genie's out of the bottle. Who know's who's lurking here and where "source's say" material might end up next...
Johnny Posted January 13, 2006 Posted January 13, 2006 udonkey said: Please, get over yourself. I'm so sick of your posts that do nothing but try to explain how smart/right you are and how dumb/wrong everyone else is. 565091[/snapback] sorry when you try to hand people money and to a man each and everyone call you an idiot, posts like these and whatever else you are referring to are sweet to read....... call me out all you want i dont claim to know all, just more than most that post here......but i have learned a thing or two from reading this board and am not bashful to admit it, besides that it's entertaining and i usually do not go out of my way to post something like what you just did so fire away ujackass
rastabillz Posted January 13, 2006 Posted January 13, 2006 Johnny said: sorry when you try to hand people money and to a man each and everyone call you an idiot, posts like these and whatever else you are referring to are sweet to read....... call me out all you want i dont claim to know all, just more than most that post here......but i have learned a thing or two from reading this board and am not bashful to admit it, besides that it's entertaining and i usually do not go out of my way to post something like what you just did so fire away ujackass 565117[/snapback] Can we take another poll for your avator?
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