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Impassioned Plea To Marv, Ralph: Just Say NO!!!

R. Rich

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I've already mentioned how I am opposed to him because of the way his Saints teams choked toward the end of the season, plus the fact that he admitted taking steroids in his playing days, then alleged one of my favorite all-time Bills, Kent Hull (if you read between the lines of his statement) did the same. This is not the kind of person I want leading the Bills. Please look elsewhere, Marv and Ralph.

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I've already mentioned how I am opposed to him because of the way his Saints teams choked toward the end of the season, plus the fact that he admitted taking steroids in his playing days, then alleged one of my favorite all-time Bills, Kent Hull (if you read between the lines of his statement) did the same.  This is not the kind of person I want leading the Bills.  Please look elsewhere, Marv and Ralph.


100% AGREE however I have a bad feeling that JH will be the next HC of the Bills. I wont mind him as LB coach but not DC or HC

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I've already mentioned how I am opposed to him because of the way his Saints teams choked toward the end of the season, plus the fact that he admitted taking steroids in his playing days, then alleged one of my favorite all-time Bills, Kent Hull (if you read between the lines of his statement) did the same.  This is not the kind of person I want leading the Bills.  Please look elsewhere, Marv and Ralph.



Was Haslett still here when Marv came on board? I am with you R that I really do not believe in Haslett. If you believe the "insiders" that suppsedly know talent, NO consistenly was rated near the top of the NFL talent wise, but could just never put in any kind of sustained run. Why do people wnat him here, just because he played for us?

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i'll tell you why i want haslett - fire in his belly.......he actually has some energy, unlike mularky and williams who just mooped around, looking confused on gameday, and then giving the standard PC comments after the loss.........i want a coach who will get p*ssed after a loss and call out players........i want a guy who is competitive and will drive his players........


so he made some comments about hull - big deal.......caught up in the moment, he shot from the hip, but with a guy like that you take the good with the bad.........


you can find all kinds of "safe" candidates, but if you want a coach to come in and light a fire under this team, haslett is your guy.........let's not forgot that haslett's first season in NO he led that horrible franchise to the playoffs AND knocked off a very good ram team........players will play for him because he's a leader and he'll put the heat on them in a hurry.........

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i'll tell you why i want haslett - fire in his belly.......he actually has some energy, unlike mularky and williams who just mooped around, looking confused on gameday, and then giving the standard PC comments after the loss.........i want a coach who will get p*ssed after a loss and call out players........i want a guy who is competitive and will drive his players........



Come on dude - if entertaining press conferences is your first priority why not hire Jim Mora?

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i'll tell you why i want haslett - fire in his belly.......he actually has some energy, unlike mularky and williams who just mooped around, looking confused on gameday, and then giving the standard PC comments after the loss.........i want a coach who will get p*ssed after a loss and call out players........i want a guy who is competitive and will drive his players........


so he made some comments about hull - big deal.......caught up in the moment, he shot from the hip, but with a guy like that you take the good with the bad.........


you can find all kind of "safe" candidates, but if you want a coach to come in and light a fire under this team, haslett is your guy.........let's not forgot that haslett's first season in NO he led that horrible franchise to the playoffs AND knocked off a very good ram team........players will play for him because he's a leader and he'll put the heat on them in a hurry.........



There is no reason to hire Haslett. He had a talented team and went nowhere, and he is probably worn out from last season.


Btw, how do you like my odds in your signature? Do you still have high hopes for your favorite drug addict? <_<

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i'll tell you why i want haslett - fire in his belly.......he actually has some energy, unlike mularky and williams who just mooped around, looking confused on gameday, and then giving the standard PC comments after the loss.........i want a coach who will get p*ssed after a loss and call out players........i want a guy who is competitive and will drive his players........


so he made some comments about hull - big deal.......caught up in the moment, he shot from the hip, but with a guy like that you take the good with the bad.........


you can find all kinds of "safe" candidates, but if you want a coach to come in and light a fire under this team, haslett is your guy.........let's not forgot that haslett's first season in NO he led that horrible franchise to the playoffs AND knocked off a very good ram team........players will play for him because he's a leader and he'll put the heat on them in a hurry.........



Wag, when I look at the best coaches, most of them are not inyour face rah rah guys. I look at guys like Landry, Shula, Dungy, Belichek, Marv, etc .


On the other hand, guys like Ditka, Gruden, Cowher have been successful with that style.


So, I guess what i'm saying is I'm mpre interesetd in results more than style .


I know it seems eons ago, but GW came in with the idea he was gunna kick butt and takes names with the players, and we saw how that turned out. Speaking of which, any body ever stop to consider how this would have played out if GW and TD got an extension completed after his 2nd year.

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I've already mentioned how I am opposed to him because of the way his Saints teams choked toward the end of the season, plus the fact that he admitted taking steroids in his playing days, then alleged one of my favorite all-time Bills, Kent Hull (if you read between the lines of his statement) did the same.  This is not the kind of person I want leading the Bills.  Please look elsewhere, Marv and Ralph.


Unfortunately I think Haslett is the final piece of the puzzle for Ralph’s nostalgic act.

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i'll tell you why i want haslett - fire in his belly.......he actually has some energy, unlike mularky and williams who just mooped around, looking confused on gameday, and then giving the standard PC comments after the loss.........i want a coach who will get p*ssed after a loss and call out players........i want a guy who is competitive and will drive his players........


so he made some comments about hull - big deal.......caught up in the moment, he shot from the hip, but with a guy like that you take the good with the bad.........


you can find all kinds of "safe" candidates, but if you want a coach to come in and light a fire under this team, haslett is your guy.........let's not forgot that haslett's first season in NO he led that horrible franchise to the playoffs AND knocked off a very good ram team........players will play for him because he's a leader and he'll put the heat on them in a hurry.........


His teams consistently underperformed, and they mailed it in at the end of several seasons. Perhaps he learned from his experiences in NO/SA/BR but I'm not convinced he has. BTW--in this case Haslett is the safest of the safe candidates. He will get Ralph and Marv some respite based on his past performance as a player here.

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Haslett strikes me as being a coach similar to Jerry Glanville in that he is dynamic and engaging enough to come in and make major changes right away. However, because he's a bit of a kook, he wears out his welcome pretty quickly.


Taken from that perspective, he's probably not a great long-term solution, but he can probably get us to the playoffs within a year or two. For a team that hasn't been to the playoffs in many, many years, that is at least progress. And, lest we forget, Haslett REALLY wants to be here, which is a plus in my book.


Sherman would be my first choice, but it doesn't sound like the Bills are interested in him for whatever reason. Of the remaining candidates that have been bandied about (Rivera, Jauron, Gray, Ted C), I'd go with Haslett hands down.

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Rich, if you should get Marv's attention on this, I'd appreciate it if you'd left him know that if he hires Martz, I will kill myself.


I cannot believe that he is getting even a sniff from any team. I won't kill myself if he's hired, but I may have a labotomy. I'll just go sit in a corner and drool all over myself.

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I'd like to see sherman here too, he only had 1 really bad year in GB that was caused mostly by injury and a QB who needs to hang it up.


But Haslett is still a decent choice. The guy brought N.O to the playoffs and had them play around .500 football most of the time he was there (forget this year cause I have my doubts Landry could have had the team playing successful in the situation they were in this year) N.O. is not a great team


As for the entire steroid thing, so what if he said he used them. Is he going on now saying that they are good and he would recomend them to others. Alot of players have or use 'roids in sports today, he had the balls to come out and admit he did. And as for the other player he said used them, who said he didn't. Palmero continually said how he never used them and then ruins his career after testing positive. McGuire and Sosa, continually deny using them, does that mean they don't?

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