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Too Many Guys Were Turning Mularkey Down

Mark VI

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According to both Ch.7's John Murphy and Ch. 4's Dennis Williams, Mularkey had too many asst. coaching candidates telling him they were not interested coming here because of his shaky status, upon contacting them.


So he took the bullet but also wants a financial settlement for the 3 years left on his contract. :o


Good job, Ralph. :blink:

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According to both Ch.7's John Murphy and Ch. 4's Dennis Williams, Mularkey had too many asst. coaching candidates telling him they were not interested coming here because of his shaky status, upon contacting them.


So he took the bullet but also wants a financial settlement for the 3 years left on his contract.  :o


Good job, Ralph.  :blink:



Well, that's better than "Mularkey quit because Ralph wouldn't pay decent assistant salaries."

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According to both Ch.7's John Murphy and Ch. 4's Dennis Williams, Mularkey had too many asst. coaching candidates telling him they were not interested coming here because of his shaky status, upon contacting them.



Or maybe they just thought Meathead was a douche bag and didn't want to work for him....

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if this is true, i have seriouso doubts about the future of this franshise... :blink:


Why? I saw no appreciable difference in play calling when MM took over from Clements. I won't be the least bit surprised if Clements goes somewhere and has success after getting out from under Mularkey's particular brand of "genius."

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While I'm not saying this couldn't be true, it sounds like BS right now...here's why:


The Bills have just started interviewin coordinators. They haven't interviewed enough to even extend an offer yet. So, if this is true, it must be that guys are refusing to even interview with the Bills. That also seems like BS right now. Turning down inrterviews this early in the hiring NFL cycle doesn't seem like a rational response for most coaches.


I can believe one or two guys have let MM know they're not interested...but not some mass rejection.

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While I'm not saying this couldn't be true, it sounds like BS right now...here's why:


The Bills have just started interviewin coordinators.  They haven't interviewed enough to even extend an offer yet.  So, if this is true, it must be that guys are refusing to even interview with the Bills.  That also seems like BS right now.  Turning down inrterviews this early in the hiring NFL cycle doesn't seem like a rational response for most coaches.


I can believe one or two guys have let MM know they're not interested...but not some mass rejection.



Most asst's know a new coach will usually get a minimum of 3 years to prove themselves IN A STABLE SITUATION.


This looked like a 1 year deal, if not less. Plus the unproven Marv as GM ?

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Most asst's know a new coach will usually get a minimum of 3 years to prove themselves IN A STABLE SITUATION. 


This looked like a 1 year deal, if not less. Plus the unproven Marv as GM ?



Whats worse is he offered the job to Paul Reubens and was turned down.

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Typical piss poor shortsightedness by the man who should have been getting all the criticism all along.


I'm really curious to see who ends up holding this bag of crap.




If it's not Marv, you can start using the Teflon label.


This was Marv's fist big decision and he blew it big time by keeping a lame duck coach after gutting his staff. Calling for a fresh start but keeping the main problem is pretty shortsighted.


MM quitting early in the process will save the francxhise from irreparable harm and give Marv a gett out jail free card.


Hopefully, they will bring in a HC with a proven track record and stop with the 1st HC trainiong program.

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If it's not Marv, you can start using the Teflon label.


This was Marv's fist big decision and he blew it big time by keeping a lame duck coach after gutting his staff. Calling for a fresh start but keeping the main problem is pretty shortsighted.


MM quitting early in the process will save the francxhise from irreparable harm and give Marv a gett out jail free card.


Hopefully, they will bring in a HC with a proven track record and stop with the 1st HC trainiong program.




Marv was hired AFTER RW announced MM was staying on. Nice try though

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Marv was hired AFTER RW announced MM was staying on.  Nice try though





Maybe Marv forced this issue after concluding keeping MM was a mistake. But he sure didn't play it that way in the press.


However, just beecause Ralph shot his mouth off about keeping MM doesn't let Marv off the hook.


Upon accepting the job, Marv's first comments should have been that all aspects of teh organization would be under review including the HC.


Sorry - but Marv doesn't get a free pass.

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Maybe Marv forced this issue after concluding keeping MM was a mistake. But he sure didn't play it that way in the press.


However, just beecause Ralph shot his mouth off about keeping MM doesn't let Marv off the hook.


Upon accepting the job, Marv's first comments should have been that all aspects of teh organization would be under review including the HC.


Sorry - but Marv doesn't get a free pass.




If you recall, Ralphie said the new GM would NOT be able to fire MM...and this was before Levey was hired. Nice try though.


If anything, maybe Marv actually facilitated this departure (I woldn't be surprised). I don't see how you can fault Marv for keeping MM when it was done BEFORE he was hired...with the stipulation he couldn't get rid of him.


My guess is Marv will give us all a few things to B word about...I just don't see how this could possibly be one of them.

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