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If I was the Jets... I would draft Vince Young

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CP is always hurt.


They lost their head coach


They haven't been to the superbowl in... over 30 years


Their Team Sucks! (slightly worse then ours :w00t: )


How the hell are they going to sell tickets for next year without something to drive media attention.


Answer: A hot new QB.


what do you think?

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CP is always hurt.


They lost their head coach


They haven't been to the superbowl in... over 30 years


Their Team Sucks! (slightly worse then ours  :w00t: )


How the hell are they going to sell tickets for next year without something to drive media attention.


Answer: A hot new QB.


what do you think?



I totally agree with you. But, they will have to trade up to get him. CP is done, and BB is not the long term answer.

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It's New York, they don't need to drive media attention here. That said, I do think the Jets want a QB and I think they will take VY if he's available. They might even move up a spot to get him. I think they are giving up on Chad.


As far as being terrible...don't be so sure. They have a pretty good nucleus of players, it just fell apart this year with the injuries, etc. I think they have a good chance to rebound next season and compete for the playoffs. The AFC East is going to be very competitive next season.

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CP is done, and BB is not the long term answer.



Not only is "BB" not the long term answer, but I don't think he's good enough or famous enough to have his full name (Brooks Bollinger) abbreviated to "BB."


I agree; even if Vince is a flop, drafting him will generate a ton of buzz--perfect for the Jets.

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Not only is "BB" not the long term answer, but I don't think he's good enough or famous enough to have his full name (Brooks Bollinger) abbreviated to "BB."


I agree; even if Vince is a flop, drafting him will generate a ton of buzz--perfect for the Jets.



This helps the Bills... we have a better chance of getting the player we want

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Drew Brees' labrum injury hurt the Jets also. There were many rumors that the Jets were sniffing around Chargers facilities trying to get an idea of what it would take to get Phillip Rivers in a trade. They were reported to be dangling their #5 1st round pick out there to San Diego. Just like the earlier rumors of Herm going to KC, which were rigorously denied, you have to belive that the Jets were moving forward on this because of the persistence of the rumors. Now with Brees' injury, the Chargers may be bashful to pull the trigger until they have an idea of his recovery time and outlook for 2006. I would assume they should have a decent idea of the success of the surgery by the April draft, so maybe it will happen...

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The real question that remains is what to do with pennington and his 60 million dolar conrtact extension he signed not too long ago. they ar almost 30 mil over the cap, and taking a bit cap hit to get rid of him would really hurt...

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Funny, I thought you were going to advocate drafting Vince Young because you thought that he might win football games for them.


The NY Jets are in a Metro Area with a gazillion people. They don't have to worry about selling tickets on the basis of a draft pick..... Chad Pennington is beloved by Jets fans, and a new Head Coach always generates a bit of buzz. Even if Vince Young is there, and its hard to see how it is, unless they know more about Pennington's shoulder than we do, its hard to see them going in that direction.



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CP is always hurt.


They lost their head coach


They haven't been to the superbowl in... over 30 years


Their Team Sucks! (slightly worse then ours  :devil: )


How the hell are they going to sell tickets for next year without something to drive media attention.


Answer: A hot new QB.


what do you think?



Neat - I've always thought that a player custom-made for running a wishbone offense deserves an NFL shot. We will never know until it's tried...:D

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Yep - couldn't agree more. Moxie counts.



I quote myself... :devil:


But it occured to me, that younger folks might not know where the term, "moxie" came from.


It was a soda pop sold in the 20's, 30's, and 40's. Their ad campaigning was more or less, a "Real Man's drink".


The term passed into the common lexicon, and is used to denote a person true and determined and gutsy.


If an older person remarks that you have "Moxie", you have been highly complimented. :D

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Drew Brees' labrum injury hurt the Jets also.  There were many rumors that the Jets were sniffing around Chargers facilities trying to get an idea of what it would take to get Phillip Rivers in a trade.  They were reported to be dangling their #5 1st round pick out there to San Diego.  Just like the earlier rumors of Herm going to KC, which were rigorously denied, you have to belive that the Jets were moving forward on this because of the persistence of the rumors.  Now with Brees' injury, the Chargers may be bashful to pull the trigger until they have an idea of his recovery time and outlook for 2006.  I would assume they should have a decent idea of the success of the surgery by the April draft, so maybe it will happen...




If I'm not mistaken, Drew Brees is no longer under contract to San Diego. Wasn't he playing under the Franchise tag? It should be interesting to see if San Diego wants to franchise him again or what kind of interest he would draw on the open market.

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CP is always hurt.


They lost their head coach


They haven't been to the superbowl in... over 30 years


Their Team Sucks! (slightly worse then ours  :devil: )


How the hell are they going to sell tickets for next year without something to drive media attention.


Answer: A hot new QB.


what do you think?


I really don't think Houston can pass Young up but if he falls he doesn't get past the Jets or the Titans.

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They're stupid for letting Herm go, stupid.




A lot of Jets fans would disagree with you. While Herm was a good motivator, he wasn't the best game day coach. Two words: CLOCK MANAGEMENT



As for what the Jets should do, they won't be able to get Vince Young at four and Bush will be gone as will probably Leinart. That will probably be the top three picks.


I'd pick Lendale White at four. He'll be better than Bush and a perfect replacement for Martin.

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i would love for the jets to draft vince young! that means maybe da brick is still there or aj hawke..and they would also then have like 25 million tied up in qb's,they say chad pennington is owed 18 mil and its guaranteed,so this would be sweet

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I'd pick Lendale White at four. He'll be better than Bush and a perfect replacement for Martin.


I'd LOVE for the Jets to take Lendale White, because starting RB isn't a position of need for the Bills. So some other player--Hawk, Da Brick, Mario--would fall to Buffalo.

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