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Hang down your head, Chad Johnson

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And those rumors were started on profootballtalk.com.  We all know how accurate that site is.



True, but former B'gal lineman and now radio color commentator Dave Lapham seems to feel that something occured.


I've often wondered why someone in the psychiatric community hasn't published a scholarly paper as to why WR's are flakes. :w00t:

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True, but former B'gal lineman and now radio color commentator Dave Lapham seems to feel that something occured.


I've often wondered why someone in the psychiatric community hasn't published a scholarly paper as to why WR's are flakes. :w00t:



Lap would know as well as anyone, as he's commonly in the lockerroom before and immediately after each game for interviews.


The fact that he would go on Lance McAllister's show and discuss it, despite the fact that he knows how much Chad means to this team and community, pretty much seals it for me that it is 100% true.

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Wide Receivers are not emotional, selfish prissies who get upset when the game plan isnt tailored to their special needs and poetic soul. Try to name just one who is a selfish, blinded, arrogant headcase...


See? You cant because WR's are ALL ABOUT THE TEAM!




How come my post isnt at the top of this board?! Whats up with that? MAN YOU GOTTA GET MY POST TO THE TOP OF THIS BOARD! WHY YOU ALWAYS KEEPIN ME DOWN?!


Argh!<struggle> Ooof! <headlock><shove>


I'd like to take this opportunity to say rumors of some argument during this post never happened. I respect all members of this board even if they want to freeze me out of their little discussions. I'm a man, know what I'm sayin?

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somebody tell that douchebag that just because he got his ass kicked 3 straight times to end the season, that doesn't mean he can't go have sex with a mule or whatever it was he was bragging about doing vs. the bills. in fact he's got lots of time to rehearse now, and he ought to get busy.

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I've often wondered why someone in the psychiatric community hasn't published a scholarly paper as to why WR's are flakes. :flirt:



Cincy, it seems to me this has been done. Can't remember where I saw it, but some psycologist or psychiatrist or something has some sort of research for teams on what personality types are best suited for what position. Little like a Meyers Brigg for big athetic guys.


Obviosly, this is very simplified, but I can swear i saw it on the tube recently

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I read an article recently about Chad's comments after the Bengals beat the Steelers in the regular season. Johnson talked about how the Steelers' style of play was as old-fashioned and obsolete as the black and white television, and how their place was being taken by new-look teams such as the Bengals. The Steelers decided to get payback for these comments in the playoff game. While the injury to Palmer was accidental, the Steelers played that much harder because they were mad.

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