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lip service....


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For every loss over the past 16 games, we have heard the same excuses afterwards:


DB: I've got to throw the ball better. I have to make better plays. I didn't get the job done.


Coach: We have mistakes that are correctable. I haven't lost confidence in the offense.


Offensive Players: We have to cut out the mental mistakes and play better ball.


How much longer will we have to hear this crap until someone finally says what they mean? I am so sick of hearing the same rhetoric week after week. I'd just as soon have them say "we lost, there are no excuses". It seems more and more this team is living up to the reality that the NFL is a business. The mentality is "Bye honey, off to work. I"ll see you tonight. By the way, what's for dinner?" It seems like the players, at least on the offense, are showing up, taking what they get from the opposing defense, get paid, and go home. MM wasted no time in puting MW on the second string during preseason. My reaction was, "wow, this guy means business". But I haven't seen anything since where a fire is being lit under these players to excel. It seems like everyone on offense is content with being conservative, not stretching the defense and keeping them honest, and getting a little more creative. Was it me, or did the Raiders game look alot like the Jags game with the play calling?


And for those of you that are bitching that we are not true fans because we're being all doom and gloom, tough. I've been a Bills fan for a long time, even during the 2-14 seasons, and it just seems to get worse and worse. I wish to god they'd stop bringing in these retreads, give us a year of growing pains with the likes of J.P. and give us the confidence of a winning season. DB has already proven it wasn't entirely the inept coaching from last season. I really believe that the offense has lost confidence in him and it's showing in their play. Look at how they did during the DF/RJ fiasco. You get someone in there who has a set, will step up and play ball, run around, make plays, and you'll have an offense with confidence. But with DB, everyone is running back to the huddle, or more often than not, to the sidelines after a sack, leaving him lying there.


I posted yesterday that the Bills are becoming the AFC version of the Cardinals. You know teams are making are checking the win column that week already. I'm sorry folks, but unless they pull they're heads out of their ass during the bye and beat NE, it's going to be a long season.

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NOBODY is making plays for us right now. The Defense didnt make a play when the game was on the line against Jax. The Offense didnt make a play on 4th and 1 against Oak. And the Special teams haven't made a play in forever....


Somebody needs to make a play, and one of those ST players who held should be released. After the first penalty, I would have made it clear not to hold again. After the next guy did it, just release him.... Great coaches have no problem releasing players in mid season. Parcells, and Belichek come to mind. Even if its a scapegoat, it sends a message.


All i want is a few guys who can make plays happen. Kelly, Andre, Thuman, BS, Biscuit, even Kelso made plays when they had to be made. That is the biggest difference between then and now.Who is going to make a play for this team?

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