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Interview with Jim Mora Jr. on radio in ATL

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This is another in a series of examples why I hate the explanation that "these guys make millions of dollars". they should just live with it, or they should love it, or I wish I was one of those guys, etc. The things that these players and coaches (or actors or politicians or anyone) have to put up with is often not worth it. Fans think this is such a dream job and dream life but only the actual playing is the dream, the rest is a nightmare. To a lot of people, to a lot of you, sure it is worth it, because they like the money or the fame or the spotlight, etc., but for a lot of people, that sh-- ain't all that fun, or wanted. The upside is truncated by the downside. And anyone that says boohoohoo for these guys has likely never experienced it or just doesn't understand. A lot of the celebrity sh-- just plain sucks, and it is the complete opposite of being great or desirable.

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I would have been a straight-shooter with my kid... Told him that God has blessed are family with well paying employment... It is the nature of the business to have your job on the line and fans voice their opinion.


This might be wrong to parent like this but, why delude your kid that things are different?


Teach responsibility and accountability at an early age... It might give the kid a greater appreciation of what you do and how your business works. Don't fail to mention that things will be secure and okay, no matter which course our family employment takes.


It wasn't appropiate for the teacher to say it... But, they did... and probably regret it... But, it is done. You can't "unring a bell."


It also sets a bad tone early for the kid if the teacher has to be held more accountable than a simple apology IN THIS CASE... Even if you want to take it this far (which I wouldn't, personally).


Whatever the case, this child will be raised in the top % of our society... There is no need to irrationally isolate them... More so, the "apron strings" most likely will have to come of earlier. Protecting the child in innocuous matters earlier, IMO, might do more harm than good especially as you climb the social economic ladder.


Good thing I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night. ;)

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I think we are missing the main point here. The issue isn't about some sort of punishment for the teacher which MM I don't think even asked for, but whether the teacher is an ass or not.


The teacher is an ass... that much is clear.

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I think we are missing the main point here. The issue isn't about some sort of punishment for the teacher which MM I don't think even asked for, but whether the teacher is an ass or not.


The teacher is an ass... that much is clear.



Agree... The teacher is an ass... Not disputing that. What are you gonna do?


There is no issue here.


The world is full of asses.


Have a greater appreciation of who you are, where you come from and what you do and you can power through the asses of the world.


There is no reason to be unhappy.



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