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Oh God here it goes.... Its blow Brusky TIME!!

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Anyone watching the pregame...

Its started... and Started with the LUCKY home win over Buffalo....

But... It was not luck, it was TB who did it all.....

Good Grief...


What else did you expect from a pregame show? They have to talk about something, and latley they've gotten away from the more serious football stuff to try to draw in marginal fans.

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Brusky is half retared, he was popping roids in his college and HS days and most likely early in the pros.  That look a like Chips Cop piece of garbage!



Maybe not early... Most likely until he popped a vessel in his bulbous head. A stroke in such a young athelete seems so 'roid related.


How do you even broach the subject without being labled "Anti-Bruschi." It is the perfect farces... Kinda like politicians using disabled kids to their financial advantage. You don't dare question someone or one's love of kids, "patriotism" or "Bruschism" will surely take a hit!


We will never know.


The one thing that I feel good for him is, maybe the stroke was God's wake up call... Not to pop 'em.

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