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Wild Card picks


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Skins +2.5

Pats -8

Giants -2.5

Bengals +3


All win outright.




Rico I agree 100% and have those same four teams winning outright. Skins can put up points on tampa, Pats at home with Brady (enough said), GMen and Manning/Tiki too much for the Panthers and Cinci will roll a hurt Big Ben and Pitt.

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If the Pats are behind by 7 points or less with 5 minutes to go brace yourself for a blizzard of yellow flags and questionable calls.  It's so predictable you should be able to lay money on it in Vegas. 


Pass Interference  6-5

A catch that's not a catch  3-1

Roughing the passer  5-1


There's almost too many to choose from.  God help the Jags if they get the ball back down by a few points:

Blocking penalties on the kickoff

Offensive holding

Offensive pass interference


The tyranny must end.



Actually i'd put roughing the marcia at 2-1...if you look at him wrong, here comes the flag.


For the winners:






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My picks:



New England


New York Giants


Ahhh..the not-so-elusive Pats troll has graced us with his presence. What a shame that he has to haunt the messageboard of a 5-11 team on the very day his team is playing in the playoffs. Shouldn't he be trolling on the Jags board? Or perhaps whining on the Colts board about how his slighly better than mediocre system QB came in third in the MVP voting ...behind Manning. Or shouldn't he be haunting the Bears board because their coach got the best coach award over the genius Belicheck? Nope...he's trolling on the Bills board. Kind of sad, isn't it? But it's what we've come to expect from the Pats trolls.

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...slighly better than mediocre system QB came in third in the MVP voting

Wouldn't any player who finishes in the top few of MVP voting be considered outstanding, rather than slightly better than mediocre? Your premise is illogical, to say the least.


You shouldn't try to live up to your signature, you know...


I've contributed nothing to this thread.



Aim higher.

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