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Crazy Pat Robertson speaks again

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Robertson links Sharon stroke, God's wrathSONJA BARISICAssociated PressNORFOLK, Va. - Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson suggested Thursday that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's stroke was divine punishment for "dividing God's land."

"God considers this land to be his," Robertson said on his TV program "The 700 Club." "You read the Bible and he says `This is my land,' and for any prime minister of Israel who decides he is going to carve it up and give it away, God says, `No, this is mine.'"


The Anti-Defamation League issued a statement urging Christian leaders to distance themselves from the remarks. Robertson made similar comments as the Gaza withdrawal occurred, it said.

"It is outrageous and shocking, but not surprising, that Pat Robertson once again has suggested that God will punish Israel's leaders for any decision to give up land to the Palestinians," said Abraham H. Foxman, national director of the group, which fights anti-Semitism. "His remarks are un-Christian and a perversion of religion. Unlike Robertson, we don't see God as cruel and vengeful."

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An Open Letter to and about Pat Robertson:


I'm a devout Christian.


That said, Pat Robertson should shut up.


No one seems to hold him accountable for what comes out of his mouth. As he gets older, what he says seems to be getting more bizarre.


Look Pat, not all of us are nearly billionaires like yourself. None of us own diamond mines or are the sons of U.S. Senators.


I support freedom of speech, which also gives me the freedom not to listen to your political tirades. No one makes me watch The 700 Club.


You were a Democrat until 1984, which should surprise everyone on this board.


And I know your training is in tax law, which means you're no dummy. But considering my knowledge of tax law, you pretty much have to have a screw or two loose to understand it.


You've done a lot of good in the world, especially Operation Blessing, which is one of the best-run and most-renowned charities. At least you raised some of your money through other business ventures and not from the sacrifices of little old ladies, like many TV evangelists. (A side note: For an expose on some of them, most notably Toronto's own Benny Hinn, see this website from the watchdog group The Trinity Foundation.)


However, because you suffer from chronic foot-in-mouth disease, I must now discredit much of what you say regarding politics, which I increasingly believe have little to do with the Word of God.


I know one thing: I won't miss you from my TV set.



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An Open Letter to and about Pat Robertson:


I'm a devout Christian.


That said, Pat Robertson should shut up. 


No one seems to hold him accountable for what comes out of his mouth.  As he gets older, what he says seems to be getting more bizarre.


Look Pat, not all of us are nearly billionaires like yourself.  None of us own diamond mines or are the sons of U.S. Senators. 


I support freedom of speech, which also gives me the freedom not to listen to your political tirades.  No one makes me watch The 700 Club. 


You were a Democrat until 1984, which should surprise everyone on this board.


And I know your training is in tax law, which means you're no dummy.  But considering my knowledge of tax law, you pretty much have to have a screw or two loose to understand it.


You've done a lot of good in the world, especially Operation Blessing, which is one of the best-run and most-renowned charities.  At least you raised some of your money through other business ventures and not from the sacrifices of little old ladies, like many TV evangelists.  (A side note:  For an expose on some of them, most notably Toronto's own Benny Hinn, see this website from the watchdog group The Trinity Foundation.)


However, because you suffer from chronic foot-in-mouth disease, I must now discredit much of what you say regarding politics, which I increasingly believe have little to do with the Word of God. 


I know one thing:  I won't miss you from my TV set.




What Pat Robertson says doesn't scare me, the fact that he has as many devoted listeners and contributors and has the ear of so many politicians, that scares me. The fact that much of what he says, is echoed often enough right here, that worries me.


The lunatic that is President of Iran said that he is praying for Sharon's death and our government rightly denounced him for saying such a thing. Interesting though how our government did not denounce Robertson for saying something just as bad. Worse actually given that it was made by an prominent American, Israel's best ally. As for the Iranian, what he said is not really much of a shock.

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What Pat Robertson says doesn't scare me, the fact that he has as many devoted listeners and contributors and has the ear of so many politicians, that scares me.  The fact that much of what he says, is echoed often enough right here, that worries me.


Good Lord....WHEN did anyone echo what Robertson spewed?!!??


The lunatic that is President of Iran said that he is praying for Sharon's death and our government rightly denounced him for saying such a thing.  Interesting though how our government did not denounce Robertson for saying something just as bad.  Worse actually given that it was made by an prominent American, Israel's best ally.  As for the Iranian, what he said is not really much of a shock.


Because what a televangelist says and what a Head of State...and one looking to acquire nukes.... says should REALLY be given equal creedence. :lol:

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Good Lord....WHEN did anyone echo what Robertson spewed?!!??

Because what a televangelist says and what a Head of State...and one looking to acquire nukes.... says should REALLY be given equal creedence.  :lol:


Who said "equal creedence"? The government hasn't said a peep about Robertson's latest gaffe. Besides, I kind of know without being told that my government doesn't support in any way that Iranian lunatic. I don't think we are in any danger of anyone thinking that our government agrees with that guy.


Pat Robertson on the other hand has had close ties to the Bushies for many years. Papa Bush was even on the show. Did he ever share a stage with Ahmadinajead or whatever his name is?


This administration has courted and accepted the support of religious lunatics like Robertson and at some point, if they really do think he is nuts, what is the harm in saying so, apart from losing the support of the godhatesfags and fire-bombing Jesus folks?

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The lunatic that is President of Iran said that he is praying for Sharon's death and our government rightly denounced him for saying such a thing.  Interesting though how our government did not denounce Robertson for saying something just as bad.  Worse actually given that it was made by an prominent American, Israel's best ally.  As for the Iranian, what he said is not really much of a shock.



It's not the government's job to denounce every !@#$ing idiot who says something stupid. It IS, however, their job to give consideration to the policy statements of foreign leaders.


That you can't see the difference is...unsurprising.

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Who said "equal creedence"?  The government hasn't said a peep about Robertson's latest gaffe.  Besides, I kind of know without being told that my government doesn't support in any way that Iranian lunatic.  I don't think we are in any danger of anyone thinking that our government agrees with that guy.


Pat Robertson on the other hand has had close ties to the Bushies for many years.  Papa Bush was even on the show.  Did he ever share a stage with Ahmadinajead or whatever his name is?


This administration has courted and accepted the support of religious lunatics like Robertson and at some point, if they really do think he is nuts, what is the harm in saying so, apart from losing the support of the godhatesfags and fire-bombing Jesus folks?



In your attempt to equal things out, youve actually shown MORE of a disparity. So instead of comparing influential TV personalities vs. Heads of State, youre now comparing close friends vs. Heads of State! Forget partisanship for a second.....if every politico had to "apologize" for the dumb stupid things their friends, family and other "influencers" have done and for all the loudmouths, nutbags and radicals who claim to be under their flag....the politicians wouldnt have time for anything else!


So tell ya what...when Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter apologize for the antics and inane rantings of their families when they were in office, when the entire DNC apologizes for having a man whose said FAR worse things than Robertson has as the guest of honor at the DNC Copnvention, GWB will apologize for Pat Robertson. Deal? It goes both ways, Mick...and the fact you see that less and less is worrisome.

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Who said "equal creedence"?  The government hasn't said a peep about Robertson's latest gaffe.  Besides, I kind of know without being told that my government doesn't support in any way that Iranian lunatic.  I don't think we are in any danger of anyone thinking that our government agrees with that guy.


Pat Robertson on the other hand has had close ties to the Bushies for many years.  Papa Bush was even on the show.  Did he ever share a stage with Ahmadinajead or whatever his name is?


This administration has courted and accepted the support of religious lunatics like Robertson and at some point, if they really do think he is nuts, what is the harm in saying so, apart from losing the support of the godhatesfags and fire-bombing Jesus folks?


Uh, that's because he brings in votes. You know, like those above board guys the Democrats court - Al Sharpton, Louis F, Jesse Jack...


But we can pretend Conservative zealots are to be feared more. :lol:

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It's not the government's job to denounce every !@#$ing idiot who says something stupid.  It IS, however, their job to give consideration to the policy statements of foreign leaders. 


That you can't see the difference is...unsurprising.


Not every idiot, just the idiots they campaign with and the idiots whose money they accept.


If somewhere there is a set of rules or laws stating what the President or his lackey's can publicly comment on and what they can't, I'd love to see a link to that resource. My belief is that they can speak on whaterver issue of the day they want. They choose to let a prominent supporter of theirs to state publicly that God wants the PM of Israel to die for following a diplomatic course it is our official policy to support. Nothing is stopping them from denouncing Robertson. If they wanted to, they could. They haven't. Why?


You think because it isn't their job, I think its because they don't want to alienate the political support they have enjoyed from him and his followers.

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Uh, that's because he brings in votes.  You know, like those above board guys the Democrats court - Al Sharpton, Louis F, Jesse Jack...


But we can pretend Conservative zealots are to be feared more. :w00t:


Who is pretending that?


Maybe you could PM me the positions you imagine for me ahead of time so I can be sure to adopt them so you don't have to make them up for me anymore. It would save time.


Its nice to see that you guys don't defend Robertson, you just attack those who are critical of him. Such a big difference.

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