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Jerry Sullivan/Schopp & The Dope

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Let's be rational here. Who would you hire as a head coach? Do you know what the coaching talent pool looks like this year?



Which part of my post did you find irrational exactly?


So if the Bills don't win this year (and from what the "patience" crowd is preaching it doesn't seem like they believe they will) who do you think will be available next year that's better than any of the college HC's, coordinators or retread HCs that are available now? Or do you think they hold onto Mularkey even if he has a 6-7 win type season?


We have a lame duck coach and that's not a good thing in dealing with the players on the roster or attracting FAs.

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Which part of my post did you find irrational exactly? 


The part about not being patient during a time of extreme change.


We have a lame duck coach and that's not a good thing in dealing with the players on the roster or attracting FAs.



Just like Spikes signing in 2003 with Williams as lame-duck head coach, right?

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The part about not being patient during a time of extreme change.

Just like Spikes signing in 2003 with Williams as lame-duck head coach, right?





Are you actually reading what I'm writing?


So I'm supposed to:


a) expect a losing season

b) expect that Mularkey won't be retained

c) go through the growing pains of a new head coach the year after

d) be happy that they didn't just instigate the head coaching change this year instead of putting it off.


Talk about irrational. By retaining Mularkey that says they expect to win now. If the team expects to win now why should I be patient?

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the funny part is if things start going well these same morons will be kissing marvs ass to get stories and to be close to the bills



Licking not kissing but I agree otherwise other than Dickerson who always be a assclown

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I'm sure WGR is thrilled Levy is the VP of Football Operations. Maybe they can even say the word Bills on their website now.


No matter what happened, anything is better for WGR than Tom Donahoe. The guy was a dick.



Actually the guy treated WGR just exactly how they should be treated. And it felt great to me every time he portrayed the station as the 2nd rate circus act that they are.

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Actually the guy treated WGR just exactly how they should be treated. And it felt great to me every time he portrayed the station as the 2nd rate circus act that they are.


That's funny cause Donahoe did a great job in making the Bills a 2nd Rate football organization.

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That's funny cause Donahoe did a great job in making the Bills a 2nd Rate football organization.



That has nothing to do with the point I made, no matter if I agree or disagree with you on the performance of TD for the team.

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That's funny cause Donahoe did a great job in making the Bills a 2nd Rate football organization.


The fact is, you don't know that, and neither do I. What goes on behind closed doors doesn't matter either. I don't care if its Donahoe, Mr. Wilson, Mularkey, or sparky, the six legged antelope that made the Bills lose. The fact is they did, and they are making moves in an attempt to get better.


Mr. Wilson knows what went on more that you, I, Jerry Sullican, or the kids at WGR55 do.....let me take the last 2 out...they know less than we do.


Either way, Mr. Wilson wants to win, and Mr. Levy knows how.




The guys at WGR55 are nothingbut hate mongers, who lack talent, and have to rely on the sick and twisted tactics they use. They have no talents, and no capacity to earn an honest living.

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That has nothing to do with the point I made, no matter if I agree or disagree with you on the performance of TD for the team.


I gotta admit, the only time I listen to WGR is for Sabres talk. When they start talking Bills I just don't listen. It has nothing to do with WGR and everything to do with the fact that I just don't care about the Bills like I used to. Being jerked around for 5+ seasons was enough for me. The Bills have turned me off from football almost completely.


Calling WGR negative when it comes to the Bills is just plain and simply stupid to me. Why? Because we now have a senile owner taking more leadership on, a lame-duck coach whose own players don't seem to believe in and a QB of the future that looks worse than Rob Johnson. Add to that 5+ seasons of no success.


Where is there any light at the end of tunnel for any positivity to come out of from anyone?



BTW Adam: My Sabres won against the defending Stanley Cup champs for the third time this season. In fact they dominated them. I don't think they will be going 0-20 anytime soon like you stated. Feel free to come over to the BRIGHT SIDE when you please.

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I gotta admit, the only time I listen to WGR is for Sabres talk. When they start talking Bills I just don't listen. It has nothing to do with WGR and everything to do with the fact that I just don't care about the Bills like I used to. Being jerked around for 5+ seasons was enough for me. The Bills have turned me off from football almost completely.


Calling WGR negative when it comes to the Bills is just plain and simply stupid to me. Why? Because we now have a senile owner taking more leadership on, a lame-duck coach whose own players don't seem to believe in and a QB of the future that looks worse than Rob Johnson. Add to that 5+ seasons of no success.


Where is there any light at the end of tunnel for any positivity to come out of from anyone?



Oh, now I remember you were the bridge jumping season ticket guy from earlier. :D Get it together man. If you can't find even a ray of light amongst the perceived storm then maybe you should stop focussing on it so much.


Glad the sabres won!

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Calling WGR negative when it comes to the Bills is just plain and simply stupid to me. Why? Because we now have a senile owner taking more leadership on, a lame-duck coach whose own players don't seem to believe in and a QB of the future that looks worse than Rob Johnson. Add to that 5+ seasons of no success.


BRIGHT SIDE when you please.[/color]


First off, they aren't negative- if they were negative in a rational way, thats normal. They are childish, and look to mock people and act stupid.


As far as the senile comments- Mr. Wilson is not stricken with Dementia, and I realize you did not mean that is an attacking way, but there are people that have to deal with dementia, and it is a harsh reality every single day.


Again, I KNOW that was not your intent, but please choose your words more carefully.

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His job isn't to be correct.  Just ask him.


Indeed. Direct quote, from a GR pregame show in December 2004:

"Tom Donahoe gets paid to run the Bills. I get paid to be his biggest critic."


For those of you who got to see the first PC Tuesday - did you find Ralph's rip-job on Sully hysterically funny? I know I did. (And judging by the background laughter, most of the other journalists there seemed to enjoy it as well.)


"Every time you ask a question, I have to increase my dose of Prozac..."



One more media-related thought, since it seems to fit well in this thread: while Donahoe saved most of his vitriol for Sully and GR, he also managed to torque just about everyone who covers the team. (Read Chuck Pollock's latest column for his take on that.)


Some of the WGR hosts DO go over the top; not counting ChuckieD, the two mentioned in the title of this thread are by far the worst offenders. But from the many times I've seen Donahoe speak in person, I've come to the conclusion that he never passed up an opportunity to take a few cheap-shots of his own.


A few weeks back, Pollock used the phrase 'bunker mentality' to describe the atmosphere around One Bills Drive. How appropriate. Marv Levy's title might include the words 'Football Operations', but one of his first jobs will be to repair the P.R. damage caused by Donahoe's heavy-handedness.


As always, just my opinion...

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I guess I am out of the loop as to what happened between Donahoe and GR. At the beginning he was at the Rome tour stop. He would do interviews with them. When he put his foot in his mouth with the "ashamed to be a part of the community" thing at the Williams firing presser, he called Brad Riter.


So, what happened in the last two years that made GR this non-stop spewing of venom towards him?

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I guess I am out of the loop as to what happened between Donahoe and GR.  At the beginning he was at the Rome tour stop.  He would do interviews with them.  When he put his foot in his mouth with the "ashamed to be a part of the community" thing at the Williams firing presser, he called Brad Riter.


So, what happened in the last two years that made GR this non-stop spewing of venom towards him?


Short version: After Schopp/Parker went off about the Losman/Vincent incident, Donahoe pretty much locked out the entire station... even including Howard Simon, with whom he'd previously had a decent working relationship, after WGR hired him that November. Speaking at a conference last April, HS mentioned he no longer had the same level of access to players/admin he'd had at WNSA/Empire. Schopp tried to spin it into "we can't get interviews because we don't pay the team like the 'official team stations' do", but he and Parker were ultimately to blame.


In the post right above yours, I included a link to Chuck Pollock's column in Thursday's Olean Times Herald. He covered the situation fairly well, and (to be honest) could have added a few more examples of the petty crap OneBillsDrive was pulling with the entire press corps this past season...


My opinion: Donahoe had every right to be upset at the two guys responsible for the Losman/Vincent thing, but his retaliation went too far. It would be like shutting everyone at the News off because he didn't like one of Sullivan's columns.

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Thanks, Lori. That is interesting info and a very good article. Chuck Pollack takes a lot of heat on the Bonnies board I frequent, and I really haven't read the OTH much since I graduated there, but he seems like a very good writer in that article. Thanks again - you really cleared up a lot of questions I've had.

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One thing that's true about Sully: it's pretty clear from Ralph's comments that he reads Sully every day, which is a lot more than can be said with certainty about anyone else in the media. And Ralph can't be too happy about Sully's latest.

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