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Clements fired, why not Gray also?!!

Mr. T

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I can't believe this worthless, no nothing but blitz, pretender lasted through the day. He was just as worthless as Clements was, if not more. If Gray has resigned, as some have suggested, why no announcement? If Gray is still on the Bills staff next season there is no justice. Please Texas Tech take him away!!

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maybe because he is  expected to step down. :w00t:


Alrighty then.....now what?


As I asked already, why hasn't this happened yet! Gray was a bigger embarassment than Clements and he still considers himself a part of the Bills coaching staff.


Gray commented either today or yesterday that if he had resigned or was fired it was news to him.


Is this just another big mess about to boil over?

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I think Gray has shown a lot of positives (to go along with some poor performances running the GW designed D his first two years and coaching a D rhat I think gave up when they saw that TD had decided to use this season as a training camp for his QB of the future.


Gray may well be gone and this will be good for the Bills if we get someone in here who is better.


However, I think the good things that Gray has done here make that no an easy person to find.


Specifically, I liked about Gray.


1. After the team performed horribly on D in 2002 I would not have been upset at all if Gray was let go as Sheppard was the year before. However, this did not happen because if you can the DC right after canning the OC it reveals the real thing they needed to do which was can GW.


However, when the Bills took the figleaf of hiring LeBeau to scrape an inappropriate D for a Bills team that did not have a DE of Kearse quality or a SS of Bishop quality, i was quite surprised to see how well Gray did learning the LeBeau D quickly and well so that it was he who called D signals for a productive Bills D.


One must clearly give LeBeau a lot of the credit because it was his design, but learning a nw system and calling it effectively is not simple either and Gray demonstrated to me that our D problems in 01 and 02 were more GW problems than Gray.


2, I as also surprised to see the Bills choose Gray over LeBeau and expected the D to be good last year but to decline in output without LeBeau to gameplan or to help disgnose, design and implement adjustments at half time.


Instead the D production improved and given LeBeau's absence and the fact he had nothing to do with game design and th adjustments (not to mention the plaucalling) of the D last year, I think gray showed some great stuff here as well.


He demonstrated during last year's bye week when he engineered changes which were critical to last year's streak that IMHO he can ge the job done under the right circumstances..


For me it is a question of whether under Marv Levy with MM hanging on and with the olayers we have whether it is the right circumstances,


It well could be and just as when Gray improved his performance in 2003-04 over 01-02 he probably will do so again in 06 as long as his personal relationships with marv, MM and the players are good.


If you want someone else, then who?


I do not think it will be positive to have an experienced former HC standing over MM's head waiting for him to fail and i think MM is a offensive minded coach and I don't see it working with the inexperienced defensive version of Sheppard coming here.


If Gray is canned, then MM deserves to be canned as well.

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