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I've decided that this has gotten *way* too wacky, and instead of complain, I'm got to shut the hell up and watch the show.  If they suck, my my, at least it's going to be entertaining.




So, was THIS anything like the 80s? I was too young to remember.



no, that was way before the internet, and sports radio consisted of two hrs on some local station. Back then, a bad team took several years to become good, and a five year drought in the playoffs was bad, not as earth shattering as it is today.But, with no cap and no FA, at least you could see progress coming and developing, for instance when Bruce Mathiason was going to lead us to the promised land, or if not him we had Joe Dufek to rescue the day


Seeing that the general consensus of threads at the time of MM's hiring were in favor of that move and singing his praises, I'm viewing the number of people upset with the hiring of Marv and his age as a sure promise of good things to come in 2006.


(My memory's really not that good, but I think most threads about TD when he was hired were positive on him as well and how he'd deliver us from the rotten fruits of Butler's labors. If someone with a better memory could confirm that then it'd really be a good sign.)


well wait and see who mike names his new o coordinator.lets see how this shakes out and then we can approve or disapprove.oh and i am one that would have liked to see mike gone


I agree there's still plenty of time for really truly sucky people to be hired before we start the we're doomed threads.

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