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An epiphany


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I think a big problem with the Bills progress (or lack of) is a lack of consistancy. The Bills are on their 3rd coach since 2000 (and may be looking ata 4th), one of which is a Gator. Kay Stephenson was a Gator too. Need I say more?

The number of coaches may be a problem as well too. For example- the Dolfelons have 23 coaches, the Bills make do with 15. maybe the assistants are spread a little too thin?

I liken the Bills team to a class that has had a succession of substitute teachers. Why behave (perform) when the players know that they only have to outlast the substitute (coach).

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I think a big problem with the Bills progress (or lack of) is a lack of consistancy.  The Bills are on their 3rd coach since 2000 (and may be looking ata 4th), one of which is a Gator. Kay Stephenson was a Gator too.  Need I say more?





That is why they will hang onto MM.

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I agree. This Gator stuff sucks.


What we need is someone from the University of South Carolina. Someone who used to be a Gamecock. Someone who used to drive around the state with a bumper sticker that said "How 'bout them 'cocks?"


That's what we need.

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