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My King Kong review

The Poojer

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saw it New Years Day. I went into the movie expecting great things, I came out not at all disappointed. As a movie goer, I was thoroughly impressed by the movie, there were times where I found myself with my mouth wide open unable to breathe due to the action on screen. Kong was really likeable character and you could really see the affection between Ann and Kong. Jack Black played a very good Carl Denham, all in all the cast was very strong.

But......("...everyone I know has a big but....") If I were a movie critic, I could certainly rip this movie apart with little things, such as the incredible ability of alot of the characters to avoid getting hit by things like bullets, spears, and oh yeah brontosaurs... The way the streets and adjoining apartment buildings were completely void of inhabitants while a Huge freaking Ape is walking down the street... Jumping on the wing of a large bat to float to safety could have absolutely killed this movie, but I gave it a pass. What the hell was Naomi Watts dress attached with???? That damn thing should have fallen off early on :unsure: . Standing atop the Empire State Building in the Winter with only a dress???? Where was the intense wind????? Little things like this probably drove the critics crazy! The Ice Skating Kong???? Common Man! that was a little hokey!

Those things being said. Go See It, it is worth the money and 3+ hours.

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I saw it recently as well. I found it to definitely be an "event" worth attending but as a movie it left a lot to be desired. It did not need to be 3 hours. They really could have condensed it to a frantic action packed 2 hours. It is hard to question the realism in a movie clearly based in fantasy but the tommie gun/cricket seen with Brody was ridiculous. I liked Jack Black and Naomi Watts although I thought larger roles for the ship captain and for Tom Hanks kid would have done some justice. The old wrinkly lady was completely unnecessary. Yes, we could tell by the 100 foot wall that something bad was behind it. We did not need to hear her cackling for what seemed like 20 min.

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I saw a "hadji" bootlegged version over here and I liked it. I agree with some of your assesments like the cricket gun thing... I thought it was really good though although I thought it took a little too long to get to the island. Some of the early scenes seemed to drag on a little...


I wish I could've seen it on the big screen with the theatre sound and experience but you take what you can get.... :D

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tom hanks kid? was the young kid that was found in the hold of the ship and was a wild boy? they never really went into that back story which could have been a little interesting.


I saw it recently as well.  I found it to definitely be an "event" worth attending but as a movie it left a lot to be desired.  It did not need to be 3 hours.  They really could have condensed it to a frantic action packed 2 hours.  It is hard to question the realism in a movie clearly based in fantasy but the tommie gun/cricket seen with Brody was ridiculous.  I liked Jack Black and Naomi Watts although I thought larger roles for the ship captain and for Tom Hanks kid would have done some justice.  The old wrinkly lady was completely unnecessary.  Yes, we could tell by the 100 foot wall that something bad was behind it.  We did not need to hear her cackling for what seemed like 20 min.


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tom hanks kid?  was the young kid that was found in the hold of the ship and was a wild boy?  they never really went into that back story which could have been a little interesting.



Yes, the boy's background would have been interesting but Tom Hanks kid was Carl Denham's assistant. I don't remember his charcters name. I could imdb it but I'm lazy and on my lunch.

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oh Preston? cool, I did not know that was him


Yes, the boy's background would have been interesting but Tom Hanks kid was Carl Denham's assistant.  I don't remember his charcters name.  I could imdb it but I'm lazy and on my lunch.


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tom hanks kid?  was the young kid that was found in the hold of the ship and was a wild boy?  they never really went into that back story which could have been a little interesting.


The kid who they found in the hold was Jamie Bell, who's biggest credit prior to this was "Billy Elliot". I liked his character, and I would have liked to have seen more background on him.


Overall I loved this movie. A lot of people say the movie is too long, but I loved every minute of it. I was not bored for one minute, even during the build up to Skull Island. The natives were absolutely frightening, and Kong fighting the 3 V-Rex's was just a movie geek's dream come true. There were lots of moans, groans, and gasps during the bug & worm scene.

Yes there are a lot of over-the-top-no-way-they-could-survive-that scenes, but come on, it's a movie about a giant ape! You have to suspend reality from the get go. Just watch it and have fun.


I'll have a report on this month's garbage slate of movies later this week.

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The kid who they found in the hold was Jamie Bell, who's biggest credit prior to this was "Billy Elliot". I liked his character, and I would have liked to have seen more background on him.


Overall I loved this movie. A lot of people say the movie is too long, but I loved every minute of it. I was not bored for one minute, even during the build up to Skull Island. The natives were absolutely frightening, and  Kong fighting the 3 V-Rex's was just a movie geek's dream come true. There were lots of moans, groans, and gasps during the bug & worm scene.

Yes there are a lot of over-the-top-no-way-they-could-survive-that scenes, but come on, it's a movie about a giant ape! You have to suspend reality from the get go. Just watch it and have fun.


I'll have a report on this month's garbage slate of movies later this week.



Billy Elliot...saw it. You might like to rent the recent release - "Mad Hot Ballroom" - a well-produced and directed story about the NYC school system annual student ballroom dance competition. Good, very introspective and heartwarming flick.


I will wait for the K-K DVD...too long...popcorn runs out! :D

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don't theatres around you offer free popcorn refills?


Billy Elliot...saw it. You might like to rent the recent release - "Mad Hot Ballroom" - a well-produced and directed story about the NYC school system annual student ballroom dance competition. Good, very introspective and heartwarming flick.


I will wait for the K-K DVD...too long...popcorn runs out!  :D


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don't theatres around you offer free popcorn refills?



The Kerosotes theater chain does - it's a 15 mile, slow, trafficed drive to get there from where I live. Free pop refills, too!


I love to eat the refills - but it DOES repeat later on, if you know what I mean. :D


BTW, hope that promotion with Circ Cty is working out for you!



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so far so good, thanks


The Kerosotes theater chain does - it's a 15 mile, slow, trafficed drive to get there from where I live. Free pop refills, too!


I love to eat the refills - but it DOES repeat later on, if you know what I mean.  B-)


BTW, hope that promotion with Circ Cty is working out for you!




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I'll say this..the 1st hour drags...but the last 2 are worth the price of admission...yea...the whole Kong on Ice was lame ...Until they started the artillary on him...Come on ...This was a good remake....lots of action after the 1st hour....good fun...and thats what's it meant to be...no Oscar in this movies future...except for maybe special effects

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saw it New Years Day.  I went into the movie expecting great things, I came out not at all disappointed.  As a movie goer, I was thoroughly impressed by the movie, there were times where I found myself with my mouth wide open unable to breathe due to the action on screen.  Kong was really likeable character and you could really see the affection between Ann and Kong.  Jack Black played a very good Carl Denham, all in all the cast was very strong.

But......("...everyone I know has a big but....") If I were a movie critic, I could certainly rip this movie apart with little things, such as the incredible ability of alot of the characters to avoid getting hit by things like bullets, spears, and oh yeah brontosaurs...  The way the streets and adjoining apartment buildings were completely void of inhabitants while a Huge freaking Ape is walking down the street...  Jumping on the wing of a large bat to float to safety could have absolutely killed this movie, but I gave it a pass.  What the hell was Naomi Watts dress attached with????  That damn thing should have fallen off early on  :w00t: .  Standing atop the Empire State Building in the Winter with only a dress????  Where was the intense wind?????  Little things like this probably drove the critics crazy!  The Ice Skating Kong????  Common Man!  that was a little hokey!

Those things being said.  Go See It, it is worth the money and 3+ hours.


I enjoyed it. I also found myself mouth agape during some of those action sequences - and more than once let out a chuckling "Oh My God!" to my kids when they finally ended. I can't ever remember doing that at a movie. For me personally I don't care how long a movie is as long as it is entertaining - and while there were some "slow" parts I think that is what makes it a "real" movie which includes a lot of action sequences instead of just an "action" movie. I do think the native scene was a tad overdone and unnecessarily disturbing. I read somewhere that the ice skating scene was an homage to the scene in Bambi. There's a ton of stuff in there that Jackson had a very personal reason for including as homages to the original and other movies/directors. I believe he also does a cameo in one of the planes at the end.

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