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Post TD thoughts re GM, QB, etc.


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1. Many coaches are being fired, but fewer GMs seem to be leaving. Assuming that Modrak is not taking over for TD, maybe we can attract a strong GM candidate to Buffalo without much competition. Obviously there are many factors that affect the attractiveness of the overall situation (i.e., whether the new GM can replace MM), but I hope we start fresh with a new GM from outside the organization.


2. Most important, the new GM must determine if JP is the qb of the present and future. If it is unclear, then there needs to be competition at qb, and I mean more than just KH. If there are doubts, we cannot let next year be another wasted year.


3. Franchise NC. Even if the Bills decide they don't want him next year. Try to trade him, and get at least a second or a third.


4. Keep Adams. It will be nearly impossible to find two DTs this offseason that are competent starters. Draft a NT in round one or two and team them up with Adams next year.


5. Whatever the status of MM, the new GM needs to make sure that certain assistant coaches know that they are wanted in Buffalo (i.e., April).


6. Get a back-up RB. Few starting RBs play every game in a season.


7. And finally the most obvious point: fix the o-line.


Hoping for the best.

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