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Some fuel for the "....And Take Mularkey With Him" Dump Donohoe crowd:


Good News:

7 teams finished with worse records than the Bills.

Bad News:

Buffalo lost to nearly half of them (NYJ, NO, Oak).


Good News:

Donohoe presided Buffalo didn't have the least number of offensive plays per game.

Bad News:

Only NYJ and SF had less.

Worse News:

And Buffalo just lost to you-know-who.


Good News:

The Mularkey led Bills didn't manage the least yards per game.

Bad News:

Only 4 teams generated less yards/game (Chi, Hous, NYJ, SF).

More Worse News:

The Bills just lost to you-know-who.

Huh? News:

Bears win their division and make the playoffs (albeit in a weak division and on defensive strength, but still......)


With a running back the caliber of McGahee and receivers like Evans and Moulds, offensive belly-flopping like this is virtually indefensible from a coaching standpoint. Especially when the head coach says things like, "I just can't explain it" and "The ball didn't bounce our way", which in the business world, usually buys you a one-way bus ticket back home to live with your parents until you come to grips with the word accountability.


Dr. FishFinder

"My Opinion Is Worth Every Penny You Paid For It"

i disagree


sterling sharp told me this team is heading in the right direction


Tell Sterling for me that aromatherapy is making him worse.

Tell Sterling for me that aromatherapy is making him worse.



you sure?


i mean he did say it REALLY loudly

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