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[LAMP] I've got the flu


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if you got the flu then is this the most appropriate site to be viewing? :(:doh::(


So thats how your loosing your weight....hmmmm...should have gotten a flu shot.


Take care...eat chicken noodle soup, get plenty of rest and liquids but quit acting like a baby to you wife....SUCK IT UP!!!


just kidding...get better buddy

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Please express your sympathy appropriately.  :doh:



Lie on the couch with blankets, have pillows to prop you up. Put a pillow under your knees. Have plenty of water, kleenex, hard candy, and saltines nearby. Have a trash basket for the kleenex, and a puke bucket. Keep a washcloth in a bowl of water to cool the brow as necessary.


Watch TV Land channel - the one-hour Bonanza, Gunsmoke, Little House on the Prarie are soothing - good guy always wins - and are perfect for drifting in and out of sleep. Leave It To Beaver, The Munsters, and Andy Griffith, too.

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Please express your sympathy appropriately.  :doh:


...and yet here you are, posting on the wall like a man! Bravo, sir!


Hey, JP, you better take notice. You candy-ass punk! Mr. JP "I-can't-play-the-game-I-love-and-get-paid-millions-for-because-I-have-a-bruise-on-my-thigh" Losman. With your Little Bo Peep haircut and your 49% completion rate. Strap on the nads, son!


(sorry, long day...)

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