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They BETTER bring the Patriot act back


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I am cracking up - this is just what the nuns told us all about the Commies in the 1960s when we were little kids.  Yup, the Russians were going to push nails in our eyeballs and Chinese would either use water torture or bamboo slivers under our fingernails.


I recall my mom stockpiling non-perishable food in the basement as a hedge against The Bomb but never any hint at giving up on doing exactly as we pleased or going where we wanted to go.


But hey, those who want to let the government take care of all this since they know so much better, give up your freedoms.  If that is what makes you safe, then perhaps you should go to a country where there is no freedom, because those people must be really safe, eh?




I hate when I agree with you. I keep waiting for a meteor.

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What he's saying is that if you grant these powers now, eventually somebody you don't like and don't trust will be in office exercising them.


Was it really that subtle?


sorry, while I'm recovering from the flu, some of these subtlties are lost on me.


Anyhoo- once we run those pieces of garbage off, we wont ned the patriot act

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sorry, while I'm recovering from the flu, some of these subtlties are lost on me.


Anyhoo- once we run those pieces of garbage off, we wont ned the patriot act




But I think thier point is, if it is voted in now, it would still be here when we don't need it...

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But I think thier point is, if it is voted in now, it would still be here when we don't need it...




But...but...but...you mean laws don't get thrown out completely when a new president takes office? :doh:


I can't believe anyone would want to grant Bush those powers anyway. That's as stupid as giving control of the country's entire atomic arsenal to a guy who can't even pronounce "nuclear"...oh, wait... :(

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But I think thier point is, if it is voted in now, it would still be here when we don't need it...


Thats the good things about laws- they can be repealed when they are no longer needed- and I like your thinking- we will win this one!

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Thats the good things about laws- they can be repealed when they are no longer needed- and I like your thinking- we will win this one!





As a practical matter, on the other hand...well, it's still illegal for a woman to drive in Kansas City unless a man walks in front of her waving a red flag... :doh:

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I am cracking up - this is just what the nuns told us all about the Commies in the 1960s when we were little kids.  Yup, the Russians were going to push nails in our eyeballs and Chinese would either use water torture or bamboo slivers under our fingernails.


I recall my mom stockpiling non-perishable food in the basement as a hedge against The Bomb but never any hint at giving up on doing exactly as we pleased or going where we wanted to go.


But hey, those who want to let the government take care of all this since they know so much better, give up your freedoms.  If that is what makes you safe, then perhaps you should go to a country where there is no freedom, because those people must be really safe, eh?





Hubby must be rubbing off on you. You are getting more of a Libertarian streak going of late. Well done, hubby!! :D

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Hubby must be rubbing off on you. You are getting more of a Libertarian streak going of late. Well done, hubby!!  :w00t:


Well now you ruint it - the last thing I would ever do is parrot my husband, on ANYTHING.


I've always thought the government was full of nincompoops and have never relied on them to be anything but wasteful, frivolous pompous asses.


That's why, when I was asked to consider a run for Congress, I said no. I knew I'd have NO patience for that bull sh--. I once belonged to an organization comprised 99% of white guys so I understand why it is that nothing gets done but pontification, self-aggrandizement and enrichment, along with a whole lot of empty promises.

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Well now you ruint it - the last thing I would ever do is parrot my husband, on ANYTHING. 


I've always thought the government was full of nincompoops and have never relied on them to be anything but wasteful, frivolous pompous asses.


That's why, when I was asked to consider a run for Congress, I said no.  I knew I'd have NO patience for that bull sh--.  I once belonged to an organization comprised 99% of white guys so I understand why it is that nothing gets done but pontification, self-aggrandizement and enrichment, along with a whole lot of empty promises.



Not that that's exclusively the domain of white guys. You should have seen the "Million More March". :w00t:

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sorry, while I'm recovering from the flu, some of these subtlties are lost on me.


Anyhoo- once we run those pieces of garbage off, we wont ned the patriot act



Ya right, keep dreaming. And where do you suppose "we" run them off from? I got some real nice snakeoil to sell.


Just like when we pay off the tollways... We won't need those pesky toll plazas anymore!



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Ya right, keep dreaming.  And where do you suppose "we" run them off from?  I got some real nice snakeoil to sell.


Just like when we pay off the tollways... We won't need those pesky toll plazas anymore!


:)  ;)


Trust me- this is a war we will win....they are nothing but a bunch of cowards

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Trust me- this is a war we will win....they are nothing but a bunch of cowards



I appreciate your confidence.


That wasn't my point. I have no doubt what we are capable of doing.


What I question is the ease you think liberties will return to when the "threat" seems to be erradicted.


There will always be a threat from somewhere. To believe that things can be worked to achieve a "perfect" way of life is a little naive... In fact, it seems to be very much naive.


The Patriot Act is being used like a vaccine. This virus (terrorism) will always remain in the wild.


The question is, can greater resistance to the virus (terrorism) be accomplished without giving us the maximum dose of vaccine? IMO, I believe it can done with a very little amount, if anything.


We do not need a crutch. In the end, hard work and diligence pays greater dividends and builds greater resistance to pending threats.

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