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In the words of Benjamin Franklin:

"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security. "


(also quoted as “Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.”)


So go for it, give up what this country was founded on.  Who cares about the men and woman who died to give those freedoms to you.  :blink:



I think things slightly change during wartime. and we ARE at war.

I think things slightly change during wartime. and we ARE at war.


I think you're wrong. When you're at war is when you should be clinging to your liberty even more. Isn't that WHY we're fighting, to preserve our way of life? If you're willing to give up your liberties because we're at war, havn't you just given up what the bad guys wanted you to give up?



I think you're wrong.  When you're at war is when you should be clinging to your liberty even more.  Isn't that WHY we're fighting, to preserve our way of life?  If you're willing to give up your liberties because we're at war, havn't you just given up what the bad guys wanted you to give up?




The bad guys want to overrun our country, and kill all the people who won't convert- they couldn't care less for what we call civil liberties.

The bad guys want to overrun our country, and kill all the people who won't convert- they couldn't care less for what we call civil liberties.



Because our emenies have no regard for civil rights, we shouldn't?


Our government feels free to legislate moral decisions--I want that government's ability to snoop strictly controlled.

Because our emenies have no regard for civil rights, we shouldn't?


Our government feels free to legislate moral decisions--I want that government's ability to snoop strictly controlled.



Actually, I don't give a sh-- if they snoop or not. But I want their ability to USE the information they gather strictly controlled.

The bad guys want to overrun our country, and kill all the people who won't convert- they couldn't care less for what we call civil liberties.




Are you ok with giving Hillary this much executive power? Because that's what you are doing.

Are you ok with giving Hillary this much executive power? Because that's what you are doing.





Actually, Hillary will take it whether you give it to her or not. Just like Bush has, just like Bill did, just like Johnson and Nixon and I presume Reagan and Bush the elder...



Actually, Hillary will take it whether you give it to her or not.  Just like Bush has, just like Bill did, just like Johnson and Nixon and I presume Reagan and Bush the elder...




I know, but I have asked this to most of the rock-solid instep republicans I know, and have not been given an answer yet. Just Hillary bashing. Just another case of shortsighted short-term political gain. Like you said, done and will be done by both sides.


And to everyone else: No, it's not about some utopian idea of protecting the nation from terrorism. Please.

Are you ok with giving Hillary this much executive power? Because that's what you are doing.


Sorry, but Hillary Clinton has zero chance of winning a Presidential election- I'm sure the Democrats can find a very capable candidate- one that could win in 2008. She is not that candidate


Missing the point

but Hillary Clinton has zero chance of winning a Presidential election

missing the point

I'm sure the Democrats can find a very capable candidate- one that could win in 2008.

missing the point

She is not that candidate


I'd define the point, but you missed 4 times, you only get 3. I'm counting you as another non-answer. Back to football. Bye.

I thought it was " I have better hair then him".


Sorry that was 2004.


I thought this thread was about the Patriot Act.


Sorry, I guess things degernerate quicker around here than they do on the football board. :doh:



Are you ok with giving Hillary this much executive power? Because that's what you are doing.


What are you talking about!

The bad guys want to overrun our country, and kill all the people who won't convert- they couldn't care less for what we call civil liberties.


I am cracking up - this is just what the nuns told us all about the Commies in the 1960s when we were little kids. Yup, the Russians were going to push nails in our eyeballs and Chinese would either use water torture or bamboo slivers under our fingernails.


I recall my mom stockpiling non-perishable food in the basement as a hedge against The Bomb but never any hint at giving up on doing exactly as we pleased or going where we wanted to go.


But hey, those who want to let the government take care of all this since they know so much better, give up your freedoms. If that is what makes you safe, then perhaps you should go to a country where there is no freedom, because those people must be really safe, eh?



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