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The wheels are still on my bandwagon


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I can't honestly believe some of the crap I'm reading today. I am not saying there aren't problems, especially on the O (which can be correctable) ..... but some of what I've read are:


- "It's all Donahoe's fault" ..... sure, he has some culpability but I think he's vastly upgraded our talent AND gotten us out of cap jail....show me ANY GM that is perfect then pace the bowl of whatever you are smoking to me...the players need to play

- "I HATE Drew".....nice touch of class there

- "We're going 0-16".....then don't watch anymore, I for one don't need anymore negatives in my life....

- "the O-line is billsfanone" - they are not playing well, true, but are young and believe it or not, there is some actual talent there.....my personal belief is that they'll be a B+ line by year end as they gel.....


I have room on my bandwagon for any true fan.....everyone else can go suck an egg....and if my "glass is half full, perpetually optomistic view" of this team comes to fruition and we are in the playoff hunt come December, then the negative Nancy's I have mentioned can hang out with the Jerry Sullivan types....

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hey, I'm a pretty big optimist, but those who don't see this team the way they are a blind...no dis-respect man, I wish I had your enthusiasm about this team, but after 2 weeks and going back a full year, THINGS HAVE REMAINED THE SAME....what makes you think things will be any different in the coming weeks

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hey, I'm a pretty big optimist, but those who don't see this team the way they are a blind...no dis-respect man, I wish I had your enthusiasm about this team, but after 2 weeks and going back a full year, THINGS HAVE REMAINED THE SAME....what makes you think things will be any different in the coming weeks




*****well, actually they aren't the same...at this point last year we were 2-0 and everyone was making super bowl reservations......I'm just messing with you but before I jump off the Peace Bridge I am going to realize we have a new head coach. new system still being developed.....we have a D that is going to win a good share of games and had it not collapsed on one drive last week we would be 1-1....we played like billsfanone on the road yesterday and lost by 3....yes a loss but my point is were in it.....IF the O can improve at all, all other things considered, we are going to ein some games...start winning and it breeds more winning....If, and it's a big If but not that far out there, we utilize these two weeks and come out and beat the Pats, then this thing can be turned around......that's all I'm saying....we are two games in and it's a long season.......everyone could use some faith....

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