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Donohoe and Mularkey....


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He was. They made the right decision starting Losman. They named Losman the starter before they even signed Holcomb. They brought Holcomb in to be the back-up. One of the best back-ups in the league. They paid him a back-ups salary. He said he was fine being the back-up. If they made it an open competion there is zero question that Holcomb would have won the job, he had nine years of experience and JP had zero. But they made the decision, the right decision, to groom Losman as the starter of the future. Their mistake, IMO, was to bench him originally. Kelly Holcomb is not a long term starter for the Bills, not a franchise player, and I'm not even sure if he's good enough to take a team to the playoffs, particularly with a suspect line. Losman we don't know if he is the guy, but he may very well be a long term starter, may be a franchise player, may be able to take the team to the playoffs. What he needs is playing time.


hard to disagree with that

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I also think that TD gets fired and RW appoints Modrak as GM, although I am not sure this scenario makes complete sense. First, I am not sure what loyalties Modrak has to TD. He may be unwilling to accept the GM position under these circumstances. Second, Modrak has worked with TD on all player/drafting decisions. Why does Modrak escape without any responsibility for the drafting and free agent acquisitions over the last number of years?

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