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We just don't have smart football players

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It just seems like our guys don't seem to know what to do or how to execute the plays the way that the better teams in the league do.


Just today....


We have multiple penalites while we are in the red zone to stall drives.


3rd and 25 and Holcolmb uses a timeout to gameplan a play that gains 3 yards. We could have used that timeout later in the half on our 2 minute drive.


I don't know if it is coaching, or we just have some dumb a$$ players, or a combination of both.


I think that is the biggest difference between this team and the team's of the 90's. Those teams just did not shoot themselves in the foot time after time.


I haven't been this frustrated as a Bills Fan in a long time either. It's going to be a long off season.

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It's both but it's a societal thing. People can't think for themselves for the most part, so it's not a stretch for football players to fall into the same boat.


John Madden never used his timeouts before the two minute mark. He coached his players to take a five yard penalty rather than waste such a valuable commodity.

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