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Culture of Losing


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It's very difficult to break the cycle of losing..... where sure wins become last second losses or late game comebacks always fall short (I won't even get into the blowouts). The whole culture for the last few years has to change around the Bills. I was hoping with Mularkey that things would change quickly but it's going to take a lot more work. I'm not going to sit here and blame Donahoe for everything. He didn't commit holding penalties on special teams yesterday or cause a guy to blow coverage on 3rd and forever. Most of you liked the Bledsoe signing. Everyone loves Spikes, Fletcher, Henry, Moulds, Milloy, etc.... TD has definitely made some bad decisions but so does every GM. This team can win games but this culture of Losing has to be broken for that to happen. Mularkey has a huge decision coming up and it starts w/ Bledsoe. Drew is the ball and chain on this offense. Yes the line stinks but even a nobody like Drew Brees could perform much better behind it. Shane Matthews can give you the accurate short and mid range stuff and he has just enough escapability to buy that extra second. I'd like to see MM switch QB's for New England and give the whole team a lift. You can't change the entire O-Line so it has to start at QB. The team and fans deserve better.

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