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Exactly what I saw yesterday...


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"ERIC ALLEN'S ANALYSIS: It's easy to say that Drew Bledsoe needs to make his reads quickly and get rid of the ball, but it's harder to do when you have a ton of guys in your face trying to knock your block off."


I agree 100%, I mean he made some horrible throws, but most after he got his head taken off. No QB can play well when Mike "Turnstile" Williams is there and Shelton is letting linebackers come through untouched. This team has many problems, don't take it all out on Drew...

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I think everyone can agree that changes need to be made on offense. The 2 main culprits are QB and O-Line. It is a lot easier to change the QB than an entire O-Line.

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I know a lot of people shudder at the mere mention of Flutie's name, but there is a reason why our O-line all of a sudden looked so much better when he took over from RJ. It's the same reason why our line will look better when we replace Bledsoe. Flutie not only was more mobile, he was quicker mentally. This is a fast game, and you have got to make good decisions FAST. That is why there are so few people in the world who become successful NFL QBs. It's tough enough to find the talent, but even harder to find the talent PLUS the nuts upstairs to deftly manage the speed of the game. Bledsoe simply CANNOT keep up with the speed unless he has a very strong O line. We don't have that, so to me it makes sense to at least try another option. Give Matthews a chance. He's not exactly a slouch.

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It's definately doesnt 100% fall square on Drew's shoulders(dropped passes, poor OL blocking)....but he made some key rookie mistakes yesterday....Twice he took us out of 40-49 yard FG range by taking a sack....Once on a designed rollout were he could of thrown the ball away and saved a chance at a 48-49yard FG and another late in the game when we were in the 44-45yd range(gotta find a way to get rid of it in that position)...



Having said that we have Lindell who hasnt hit a FG longer then 44 yards since being here so it wasnt a guarantee that those two FG's would have been made...But a chance to attempt them would have been nice....



Considering the conservative offense we have and the bend dont break defense we have....We need a QB that realizes a FG is very important(even more then trying to make the big play to keep a drive alive), a veteran like Bledsoe should know that....

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I know a lot of people shudder at the mere mention of Flutie's name, but there is a reason why our O-line all of a sudden looked so much better when he took over from RJ. It's the same reason why our line will look better when we replace Bledsoe. Flutie not only was more mobile, he was quicker mentally. This is a fast game, and you have got to make good decisions FAST. That is why there are so few people in the world who become successful NFL QBs. It's tough enough to find the talent, but even harder to find the talent PLUS the nuts upstairs to deftly manage the speed of the game. Bledsoe simply CANNOT keep up with the speed unless he has a very strong O line.  We don't have that, so to me it makes sense to at least try another option. Give Matthews a chance. He's not exactly a slouch.




I know a lot of people shudder at the mere mention of Flutie's name, but there is a reason why our O-line all of a sudden looked so much better when he took over from RJ. It's the same reason why our line will look better when we replace Bledsoe. Flutie not only was more mobile, he was quicker mentally. This is a fast game, and you have got to make good decisions FAST. That is why there are so few people in the world who become successful NFL QBs. It's tough enough to find the talent, but even harder to find the talent PLUS the nuts upstairs to deftly manage the speed of the game. Bledsoe simply CANNOT keep up with the speed unless he has a very strong O line.  We don't have that, so to me it makes sense to at least try another option. Give Matthews a chance. He's not exactly a slouch.




The reason Flutie looked good behind our puke of an OLine was cause he would give up on play after going through two progressions, knowing the line would probably break he'd make plays with his feet(break the pocket) then from there it would be a broken play with him taking off or a WR coming back to him getting open.....

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The reason Flutie looked good behind our puke of an OLine was cause he would give up on play after going through two progressions, knowing the line would probably break he'd make plays with his feet(break the pocket) then from there it would be a broken play with him taking off or a WR coming back to him getting open.....




I agree, but I think it's more than that......the blitz CAN be beat.....you need a QB who can think quickly enough to dump off the ball - especially against a team that brought pressure nearly every down like Oakland did yesterday. I recently used the example of Joe Montana beating the Buddy Ryan D when he was a Chief. You think Joe was all that mobile at 35 y.o. or whatever he was at the time? He was a smart, quick-thinking QB who consistently beat Ryan's attempts to blitz him on nearly every single down, and they won the playoff game. Teams know that they can just keep blitzing and blitzing and blitzing and there is NOTHING Drew can do about it. Even watching the highlights yesterday, Flutie at 40+ y.o. drops back and sets up MUCH faster than Bledsoe. The thought process cannot start once you drop back in the pocket. You have to be aware and in the process of making a decision with the football before the ball is even snapped. Drew can't do that. He needs ooogles of time, and our line can't give him that luxury.

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