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2005 Season - the good, bad and ugly

Kipers Hair

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As this season winds down - the good;


- TD finally seen for what he is - a poor GM enamored with taking "skilled

players" and unwilling to take a strong coach. Good riddence.


- We don't have to wait too long on draft day to see what the Bills do.


- Jason Peters - FA starting tackle...that'll work.


The bad;


- We still don't know what JP is....


- McGahee - seems to have lost his drive somewhat...I would rather have Travis

and the first rounder back.


- Moulds took a black eye after being such a good "Bill"...


- The Team... they are Bad.....


The Ugly;


- Some fans on this site - off the bankwagon they fought so hard to support. be

true to yourselves.


- The O-Line - so much for the the miricle working O-Line coach....


- Spikes decision to come here - I feel horrible he came here and left Cincy...Poor


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