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A girl I work with showed me today's local newspaper headlines about Buffalo hiring a new coach. I immediately checked the board to see what was going on and couldn't find any posts about it. She had her hand over the Bulls. She got me good. How embarrassing. :doh:


Nice 5 minute interview. Uber bright and his proven ability to recruit should be huge for UB. They certainly have no where to go but up. This will take 2-3 years.


UB is finally waking up to the $$$ potential of the Buffalo sports market. The basketball team is on the verge of becoming the city ball team. If the football team ever becomes respectible, they could fill a void if the Bills should ever leave.




I'm puzzled by this hiring. Turner Gill was a running/option QB at Nebraska. He was in player development at Green Bay, whatever that is. Will he try to turn UB into an option offence? I'm not at all in favor of that. That may be a short term way to generate some success, since I don't think any schools in the MAC run it, but long term, I think the option has pretty much outlived its usefulness. Plus I think it does a disservice to any young players who might have pro aspirations. The option offence will not give them good preparation for the pro game. If Gill does not plan to run the option where did he gain the backbround to run anything else, or is he going to depend on assistants to do all of that rather than have input.


I won't condemn the hiring outright, but it definitely leaves me feeling skeptical.

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