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Am I the only one who thinks Losman is better?


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...than Kelly Holcomb at this point as our starting QB? I mean look at the KC game. If Kelly doesn't get hurt do we win that game? No. I don't think KH could have played any better than Losman did in the Phins game. It wasn't JP's fault the defense caved in the 4th quarter. When Losman has time he is very accurate with the ball. All Kelly will do is dink & dunk his way down the field. I really don't want MM back next year. He'll screw up the head of any young QB that comes here. :doh:

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KH is marginally better right now and certainly can read the D and make quicker decisions than JP. The Denver game will tell us alot. Denver is better than NE hands down. If we move the ball against Denver's D through the air ...convert some 3rd downs and score some points then i will back KH as the better player. Of course JP is as raw as they come so i believe he will be the better player someday.

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I really have liked what I have seen of Losman up until last game but I don't blame him entirely, it's unfortunate that the coaches and front office have set him up to fail. Giving Mcgahee only 8 carries is a joke, our backs between him and shaud had 11 carries. Add to that our oline is garbage..I'm sorry but Bennie Anderson and Mike Gandy don't cut it in this league, ol big mike is a disaster, just bad personel decisions one after another.


Why some people want Holcomb in there is beyond me, this guy has never been anything but really average, he's not taking us anywhere, I think JP has much more overall talent but he needs the playing time. Holcomb = blah


I hate to admit but this team is a disaster and become a laughing stock. Look how many coaches have come and gone..same goes for qb's. It's really a shame as to how fast this team has fallen, I love this team, but where do we go from here?


sorry to get off track..I like Losman 100 percent better

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Holcomb may not make as many exciting plays as Losman, but those dinks and dunks are more useful than you might think. Look at the Raiders game. Ralph saved some dough on plane fare by not having the offensive line take the trip out west. Or if the o-line did indeed show, I didn't notice. There wasn't a running game. But with Holcomb at QB, the offense still put up 17 points.


The offense was likewise dominated in the NE game--no running game, no offensive line. But it put up just 7 points with Losman under center, and those were scored in garbage time. For a team that doesn't have an offensive line--and the Bills certainly fall into that category--Holcomb is the better QB.

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...than Kelly Holcomb at this point as our starting QB? I mean look at the KC game. If Kelly doesn't get hurt do we win that game? No. I don't think KH could have played any better than Losman did in the Phins game. It wasn't JP's fault the defense caved in the 4th quarter. When Losman has time he is very accurate with the ball. All Kelly will do is dink & dunk his way down the field. I really don't want MM back next year. He'll screw up the head of any young QB that comes here.  :o


I think we need to start JP. But he is not better than Holcomb at this stage.-He will be better...--uhmm we all hope...so lets give him a chance.

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I think Losman is a better choice, since he needs the work.


Holcomb is OK, but just dinks and dunks, lulls the fans to sleep.


If JP had any kind of time in the pocket, he could do very well. It all just falls apart with no help from the OL.



so why can't the beloved Losman dink and dunk a few to generate some first downs and score some points?


If the line is capable of allowing such an offense for Holcomb, why is JP so pig headed that he can't take the defense is giving instead of tryihg to force something which obviously doesn't work?

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At the risk of sounding like one of our ex-presidents ....... It depends on how you define "a better QB at this piont".


In my opinion Holcolmb is the better overall QB at this point in time, there are some things he CAN'T do that JP CAN do for sure ...... but overall ..... he controls a game better ..... and is way more consistant.


BUT, in the overall scope of the universe ..... the things JP needs to improve on comes with experiance ..... he may develop them .... he may not ..... but the fact is he needs the playing time to have a chance to develop them.


If your question is which one "plays a better game" at the QB position right now, right here .... I think Kelly wins hands down .......... however if your question is who is the better choice to be playing right here right now (despite the eventual outcome of an individual game) I think JP wins hands down.

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Holcomb may be slightly better at this time in his career. JP long term gives us the best chance, however. Quite honestly for a first year QB he has done pretty well. Especially for a guy who played for a poor college team. I wish they would utilize his talents better--mostly his mobility. Bootlegs, QB draws, roll-outs, moving pockets. Those are things that also slow down a pass rush. The two things that are MOST important for a QB accuracy and quick decision making Holcomb does better right now. Because of that he is the better QB (just a little right now), but I think JP has learned a lot this year and those things come with time.

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I like JP, unfortunately he has no OL in front of him.  He will be good eventually.


In all honesty that's what I say. Is he really hurt or is this MM screwing with him again? I don't have a favorite QB on this team. I just want to win and I want whats best for the Bills long term. To me Losman has the better arm and mobility. His short passing game needs to improve but it looks better than the beginning of the season. The few times the offensive line has given him time he's been accurate with the long ball.

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