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The fan-team QB relationship has some real parallels to dating...


RJ was the cute girl that teased you, strung you along, kept going out on dates with you, always a promise of getting a little bit more.


Flutie was the homely flat chick that was cool to be around, and she'd always "take care" of you :o


When they made you choose, and you finally decided to date the cute one (RJ) exclusively, she waited until your other bridge was burned before telling you no sex until marriage.


Then, when you couldnt take it and ditched the cute one, the next month (season) she proceeded to nail some random ugly frat guy who had no interest in her and tossed her aside like yesterdays garbage afterwards. (RJ winning the SB in Tampa)


Moral: i really dont know, just kinda took off with the story, but i guess it would be... Women and QB's, cant live with 'em, cant live without them



this is really funny! seriously.

I saw that game on TV.  That was right before the pod people took RJ to the mother ship for the anal probe, which he obviously liked too much.


before we all go and blame butler for the trade - and of course he deserves some of the blame - ralph wilson was at that jags game and said afterward how impressed he was by johnson. for people who haven't figured it out, ralph is a meddler, and it wouldn't surprise me one bit to know that he pushed this one. butler, of course, pulled the trigger on it, so i'm certainly not absolving him.

I just watched the 1999 highlight that Tivo recorded from earlier this week.  We'll long rue the day Butler traded for that two-bit, retatta-filled, one-shoe, hot tub sitting, California fairy.


Fug I hate Rob Johnson.



What game were you watching?

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