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Click the link below to check out the latest creation by John "Bang" Tayman! This week is the Bang! Christmas special, so enjoy getting in the mood for the holidays watching this one!


Link to new cartoon: http://www.gridironfans.com/portal.php?page=95


Also, check out this week's Bang! Cartoon Radio Show!


Link to new podcast: http://www.gridironfans.com/portal.php?page=78


Or you can also listen in by downloading the GridironFans.com Toolbar with the Bang! Cartoon Radio Hour player! No adware and no spyware and it works with IE and Firefox!


Link to toolbar: http://www.gridironfans.com/portal.php?page=89


Feel free to post in this thread and let John know what you think at the thread linked below:


Link to Latest Bang! Cartoon Discussion Thread: http://www.gridironfans.com/viewtopic.php?p=160745

And Matt Millen and Bronco Billy..."Don't forget to tell him you want a new coach!"  "Santa, my friend says I should tell you I want a new coach...but I'd rather have a puppy."  :doh:



is it just me, or does bronco billy remind you of about 1/2 the posters on here?

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