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Stoned owl found in "Holiday Tree"


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Animal Control is a tax funded department, no?


Why the !@#$ was a penny wasted testing his blood to see if he was stoned? For a funny headline? Holy sh--.



I'm sure it was the funny headline angle that they were taking with this one. I highly doubt that the blood test was driven by the fact that all birds of prey are protected species and if you harm one, you are in some deep sh--.


Ever get outdoors much?


All birds of prey are federally protected. It is a violation of federal law to harm a bird of prey, disturb a nest, take eggs, or even have a feather in your possession without express permission from the federal government. The near demise of several species, due to indiscriminate use of pesticides and loss of habitat, along with other reasons, has led to this "blanket" protected status for our native birds of prey.


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Owls are knockterminal birds. 


The thing was probably in the tree when they brought it home and flying around their house at night while they slept.  It probably was hungry and ate their stash.  Mystery solved.  Next.


It depends on the owl. There are a few owls which are diurnal such as the Snowy Owl and the Hawk Owl

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All animals pee.  Not just owls.


Perhaps if you consulted Merriam-Webster before you respond it will help you seem like less a ninny.


Main Entry: di-

Function: combining form

Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin, from Greek; akin to Old English twi-

1 : twice : twofold : double <dichromatic>


Snowy owls and halk owls have two winkies ya mo-ron. :devil: They can stand at one urnal and pee in the next one.

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