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Builders & Tweakers


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In my 45+ years of football "fandom" I think I've come to a conclusion about coaches ......... there are two types.


Yeah yeah yeah ...... I know ...... there are good coaches and bad coaches ....



But I'm not talking good/bad.

I think there are coaches who are very good at building a team. Starting from the ground up, taking a disfunctional organization without an on-field personality .... tearing it down to parade rest, and rebuilding it to a respectable level.


There are also coaches who are good at "tweaking" an already respectible team, adding that one or two missing links ..... building depth ..... maintaining an even keel for a period of time by the addition, subtraction, or replacement of a player here or there.


The catch is ....... good "builders" are not neccisarily good "tweakers" and vice-a-versa. There are exceptions for sure .... but they are exceptions.


IMHO ....... two good examples of "builders" are Jim Mora Sr. and don't laugh Jerry Glanvile. Both of these coaches actually did a pretty good job of taking toilet bowl teams lacking talent, heart, and personality. Their problem is once they get a team to a level of respectibility (respectability on the field, not in the community) they are lost ....... they don't know how to analyze a team and identify the one or two holes that need patching.


A good example of a tweaker may be Belicheck ..... he failed miserably trying to build a team and give it a personality in Cleavland .... but at last report he's doing OK tweaking his current team. Dungy looks like another "tweaker" to me ...... as a matter of fact he commented himself that Mora pretty much put the Colts together and he was just required to make minor adjustments.


I think the classic example of the exception is the Tuna down in Dallas ...... as a matter of fact I think he enjoys the "building process" more than the "maintenance process" ....... but his history shows he's pretty darn good at both.



I gues my point in all this is .......... I'm not sure at this point do we need a "builder" or "tweaker" .......... keeping in mind, in all probability ...... once the "builder" gets us to a ligit consistant 8-8 or 9-7, we will need to dump him to look for our "tweaker"


If we hire a "tweaker" we may be in for a few more years of trying to plug in that one or two skill players to make us winners.


Do you guys and gals feel like we need to hire a builder or a tweaker after we escort this staff out of town?

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We just need someone to build the frickin' trenches.  Once that is accomplished I assure the rest of the pieces will fall into place.



I guess I'm afraid we can't get the few remaining "puzzle pieces" in place if we don't know what the puzzle looks like.


Are we a smash mouth running team like the Steelers ...... are we a bombs away team like the Colts ........ are we a field position team just doing enough on offense and letting our defense dominate the game like the Bears???


While I agree with everybody that our rebuilding HAS to center around the lines .... but what TYPE of players are we looking for?

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