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Unlike alchohol, drugs are dangerous and addictive and if you're caught with them you should imediately be locked in a cage for the foreseable future.....unless you're a Conservative talk show host.


The United States, being the world's only valid government, should never consider the repercussions of their actions on others. There is no higher authority than our own desires and we should be able to take a leak in anybody's else's yard whenever we please whether they like it or not, because personal responsibility is for other lesser peoples.


Government should relax alchohol laws regardless of the potential for abuse, but should pass new and unConstitutional drug laws because of the potential for abuse.


It's important for us as world leaders to take offensive actions when we see people who are forced to exist under despotic regimes. But only if they're sitting on top of the world's largest supply of oil.


"It Takes a Village" means everything you want it to mean...except creeping fascist government involvement in the nuclear family.


Christianity should be promoted in public schools because since it's what I beleive in, it's the only religion that counts.


The best way to support our troops is to put them in far off countries where people want to kill them.


Sexual harassment, groping and drug use are degenerate if you're a Democrat, but it's okay if you're a Republican.


We should immediately cut ties with any of our allies who won't do whatever we tell them to.


Arnold Schwarzenegger, Charlton Heston, and Dennis Miller are brilliant political minds.


A president who lies about a blowjob should be impeached, but a president who lies about a war should be re-elected.


Government should limit itself to the powers named in the Constitution, which include banning Fourth Amendment rights and shopping the courts for judges sympathetic to whatever we tell them to be.


We believe in supporting the rights of all people to choose their own form of government; as long as it's the kind of government that we choose for them.


"The People" in the First Amendment means Christians; "the People" in the Fourth Amendment means The People who are like me; "the People" in the Ninth Amendment means The People who I think should count; "the People" in the Tenth Amendment means Republicans; but "the People" in the Second Amendment really does mean the People.


You believe in children's education but don't believe in an educated teacher's ability to perform their jobs, so you will appoint your bureaucratic buddies to take away their funding if they don't teach what government bureacratics think they should teach.


A commander in chief is free to question any decorated veteran's integrity, courage and military service; even if he is a gutless coward who shirked his own duty.


That you and your lemmings are somehow different from the Democratic lemmings.

What's a republica ?  :D


Well, it's exactly the same thing as a Democra, but insists on believing that it's somehow different or better. :lol:

Well, it's exactly the same thing as a Democra, but insists on believing that it's somehow different or better.  :lol:


Just checking. It didn't make sense otherwise. :D

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