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No, the Bills are not the same as the 1990's


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That game ended in a tie, too - not a loss! I was there that day, and no I was not the one who mugged Lustig.  :blink:


It was just a few years ago when there was a large rally at the Ralph when Bledsoe arrived. People just need a reason to believe the team will win and the fans will rally.


Back in the 40's in a playoff game between Buffalo at Baltimore in the AAFC, the game was turned on a controversial call in the Bills favor, and the fans set the wooden seats in the stadium on fire.


Not much has changed.  :doh:


Man rock didnt realize you were around for the AAFC days ;)


I think the changes in our culture to having talk radio and the internet boards makes it much worse than back in the 70's when many Bills fans were angry with Ralph and Barber(GM). I remember when Ralph hired Chuck Knox how the fans reacted that finally he was going to move this franchise forward. It was interesting the change in attitude but also the whole Buffalos Talking Proud thing campaign was getting started.

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Please be a bit more vague.



Well, you're sitting here, chastising those of us who are negative toward the team. That must mean you've been appointed the overseer of fan reactions, right?


Or maybe you're just arrogant and self-righteous. Either way, it's an annoyance.

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a better question night be, "did Bills fans react the same way to the late 60's/early 70's/late 70's/mid-80's teams as they do today?"



IMO, no. Now, a large segment of fandom wants to emulate what they see/hear on ESPN, Fox, M&M etc. Which is to shout out unsupported but outrageous points of view that have a 36-hour shelf life and no real accountability / need for accuracy. Ah, the disposable age...

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Well, you're sitting here, chastising those of us who are negative toward the team. That must mean you've been appointed the overseer of fan reactions, right?


Or maybe you're just arrogant and self-righteous. Either way, it's an annoyance.


Couldn't say it any better so I won't.

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Why shouldn't the fans get pissed?  They pay money to see this team play, pay money to buy the merchandise, pay money for over-priced beer and hotdogs. 



The funny part is the tens of thousands of indignant "fans" who've never spent a dime on a ticket or merchandise, yet feel like the team's success is their divine right....

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