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No, the Bills are not the same as the 1990's


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Now this isn't going to be another rip the fans post, but with what I see on talk radio- especially what goes on on the Buffalo station (I wont mention WGR55), would the fans react to the 1990's team the same way it did back then.


I look at today's group of fans, and see a bunch of angry people. People who I think would just look for something to be mad about.


Football was supposed to be an escape from reality- not a different reality. When sports becomes your reality, what actually happens is that you lose touch with reality.


Sadly, I don't think we would embrace the Kelly/Thomas/Reed/Smith group the way we did back then.

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I don't think so. This city is so hungry for a PLAYOFF team that I think we'd embrace anyone who got us there. If anything, I think those 90's teams combined with the recent ones make us realize how spoiled we were. If we were winning, I think you'd see a lot less bitching.


I wish I could believe that, I really do. I just think talk radio magnifies everybodies gripes with a team. Remember how that washout dickerson got people against Levy? Dickerson- a guy that probably knows less about football than most of the people who post here!

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Now this isn't going to be another rip the fans post, but with what I see on talk radio- especially what goes on on the Buffalo station (I wont mention WGR55), would the fans react to the 1990's team the same way it did back then.


I look at today's group of fans, and see a bunch of angry people. People who I think would just look for something to be mad about.


Football was supposed to be an escape from reality- not a different reality. When sports becomes your reality, what actually happens is that you lose touch with reality.


Sadly, I don't think we would embrace the Kelly/Thomas/Reed/Smith group the way we did back then.



Since the early 1990's, which you refer to, a lot has happened. Technology has brought us the internet, sports talk radio stations, and more TV devoted to sports. Every aspect of popular sports such as the NFL has been amplified.


Whereas fifteen years ago you might discuss sports with friends and co-workers, forums like this and sports talk radio has assembled this masses. That has positive and negative ramifications in my opinion. First of all, controversy is a big ratings booster. On "Mike and Mike in the morning" they promote things like "just shut up". "Who said the worst, most controversial things this week? Let's dissect these statements and bring in a barrage of experts to weigh in". Jim Rome became popular with his "have a take, don't suck" negative rants by Dennis Miller wannabes who get rewarded by trashing sports figures. While strong emotions for sports obviously existed in 1990, the outlets for the voicing of these opinions weren't nearly as accessible.


Fantasy football, the NFL draft, minicamps, contracts, the salary cap, have all risen to the surface with plenty of coverage and bandwidth to keep it "in our faces" on a daily basis. So, yes, we are bombarded with much more negativity through the media and this has made the average fan more educated, but more cynical.


Sadly, I don't think we would embrace the Kelly/Thomas/Reed/Smith group the way we did back then.


I think we would embrace that group because they were winning. That never changes. (Remember when we were winning? :blink: )

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I wish I could believe that, I really do. I just think talk radio magnifies everybodies gripes with a team. Remember how that washout dickerson got people against Levy? Dickerson- a guy that probably knows less about football than most of the people who post here!



Hey what did Chuck ever do to you ? He calls a spade a spade..no sugar coating anything.

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The city (and surrounding communities) wants the team to be something it itself can't be - a winner. Buffalo desperately needs SOMETHING to go right and the BILLS are the flagship.


It's pretty much always been that way but as the years go on the class and manners of fans deteriorates along with the rest of society.


Like it or not, Tom Donahoe is right about how disrespectful people are because they feel like they have some kind of ownership.

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Hey what did Chuck ever do to you ? He calls a spade a spade..no sugar coating anything.


Chuck Dickerson let me down big time- he used to be a very good football coach- now he has become a caricature of a man.

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Chuck Dickerson let me down big time- he used to be a very good football coach- now he has become a caricature of a man.



how is it that in one post he doesn't know anything about football, but in the next he was a very good football coach? :blink:

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how is it that in one post he doesn't know anything about football, but in the next he was a very good football coach?  :blink:


I'm saying that he changed a lot- he just looks to create controversy, instead of showing actual knowledge

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Now this isn't going to be another rip the fans post, but with what I see on talk radio- especially what goes on on the Buffalo station (I wont mention WGR55), would the fans react to the 1990's team the same way it did back then.


I look at today's group of fans, and see a bunch of angry people. People who I think would just look for something to be mad about.


Football was supposed to be an escape from reality- not a different reality. When sports becomes your reality, what actually happens is that you lose touch with reality.


Sadly, I don't think we would embrace the Kelly/Thomas/Reed/Smith group the way we did back then.



Losing always tends to bring out the worst in fans, especially consistent losing. If you really want to gauge the anger and the collapse of manners among today's fans, a better question night be, "did Bills fans react the same way to the late 60's/early 70's/late 70's/mid-80's teams as they do today?"

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No, the fans are much more impressive and committed now then in the 1990s. In the last 3 years we have sold out 24 of 25 games with a very unimpressive and poor product.


In the 1990s we sold out only when on the huge superbowl run and didn't even sell out the home playoff game against Houston for example.

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Losing always tends to bring out the worst in fans, especially consistent losing. If you really want to gauge the anger and the collapse of manners among today's fans, a better question night be, "did Bills fans react the same way to the late 60's/early 70's/late 70's/mid-80's teams as they do today?"


Well, they didn't have some of the same venues to react in (call-in shows, message boards), but I can remember Ralph being booed at home games in the late '70s.


And don't forget the story of kicker Booth Lusteg - he blew a game back in 1966, then was beaten up by a group of "fans" who recognized him as he was walking home from the Rockpile later that evening...


Are fans more obnoxious? Maybe, maybe not. It's just easier to hear them now.

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No need to overanalyze. Its as simple as this, and always has been:


"When you, here, everyone of you, were kids, you all admired the champion marble player, the fastest runner, the toughest boxer, the big league ball players, and the All-American football players. Americans love a winner. Americans will not tolerate a loser."


Gen. Patton, June 5, 1944.


6 years of losing makes you...intolerant. (Unless you're a Cards fan).

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I look at today's group of fans, and see a bunch of angry people. People who I think would just look for something to be mad about.


Football was supposed to be an escape from reality- not a different reality. When sports becomes your reality, what actually happens is that you lose touch with reality.


Sadly, I don't think we would embrace the Kelly/Thomas/Reed/Smith group the way we did back then.


Why shouldn't the fans get pissed? They pay money to see this team play, pay money to buy the merchandise, pay money for over-priced beer and hotdogs. Ole Whitey put a lousy product on the field and has a team of monkeys calling the shots. Why should the people that supported this team before he got here and long after he will leave bend over and take his crap?


Should we not express our anger? Should we blindly go to the games and clap like trained seals after every three-and-out? Screw that.

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Why shouldn't the fans get pissed?  They pay money to see this team play, pay money to buy the merchandise, pay money for over-priced beer and hotdogs.  Ole Whitey put a lousy product on the field and has a team of monkeys calling the shots.  Why should the people that supported this team before he got here and long after he will leave bend over and take his crap? 


Should we not express our anger?  Should we blindly go to the games and clap like trained seals after every three-and-out?  Screw that.


I have no problem with that- I DO have a problem with what WGR does to exploit that anger thoug, and with the 3 fans in section 116 that had a zero IQ on Sunday.

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Now this isn't going to be another rip the fans post, but with what I see on talk radio- especially what goes on on the Buffalo station (I wont mention WGR55), would the fans react to the 1990's team the same way it did back then.


I look at today's group of fans, and see a bunch of angry people. People who I think would just look for something to be mad about.


Football was supposed to be an escape from reality- not a different reality. When sports becomes your reality, what actually happens is that you lose touch with reality.


Sadly, I don't think we would embrace the Kelly/Thomas/Reed/Smith group the way we did back then.




I don't know how the current fans would treat those teams and players, but it definitelys eems to me that the hate and blaming are out of control right now. They have a very short fuse and are too much invested in the success or failure of the team. Your statement that "when sprots bercomes your reality, what actually happens is that you lose touch with reality" is profound and true. I might add that, if you let this happen, you will never be happy, even if your team does win a championship.


It's almost as if these fans think the performance of the team is a measure of whether their lives are worthwhile, and when the team fails, they take it personally and are murderously angry at whomever they can see as responsible. As if Tom Donohoe came into their house, trashed the place, and abused their only daughter.

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Well, they didn't have some of the same venues to react in (call-in shows, message boards), but I can remember Ralph being booed at home games in the late '70s.


And don't forget the story of kicker Booth Lusteg - he blew a game back in 1966, then was beaten up by a group of "fans" who recognized him as he was walking home from the Rockpile later that evening...


Are fans more obnoxious? Maybe, maybe not. It's just easier to hear them now.


That game ended in a tie, too - not a loss! I was there that day, and no I was not the one who mugged Lustig. :blink:


It was just a few years ago when there was a large rally at the Ralph when Bledsoe arrived. People just need a reason to believe the team will win and the fans will rally.


Back in the 40's in a playoff game between Buffalo at Baltimore in the AAFC, the game was turned on a controversial call in the Bills favor, and the fans set the wooden seats in the stadium on fire.


Not much has changed. ;)

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Now this isn't going to be another rip the fans post, but with what I see on talk radio- especially what goes on on the Buffalo station (I wont mention WGR55), would the fans react to the 1990's team the same way it did back then.


I look at today's group of fans, and see a bunch of angry people. People who I think would just look for something to be mad about.


Football was supposed to be an escape from reality- not a different reality. When sports becomes your reality, what actually happens is that you lose touch with reality.


Sadly, I don't think we would embrace the Kelly/Thomas/Reed/Smith group the way we did back then.


Fans haven't changed, the internet and sports radio just give a place to vent that wasn't there in the old days. None of us (well most) allows our daily lives to be affected by how utterly crappy this team is. We just have a place to come and vent our frustrations. Watching millionaire players fold makes for some serious anger. Watching a millionaire GM year after year bypass areas of need for smurfs leads to some serious anger. TD and MM also aren't saying the right things. They are afraid of the truth--that leads to serious anger.


So we come here and vent our frustrations. Twenty years ago it was a group of guys in a bar. Today it's a group of guys and gals on their way to a bar.

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Lets say that a certain car manufacturer has produced a great product for years (4 maybe?). Then slowly, over time the product quality begins to degrade. People, naturally will stop buying that product and turn elsewhere. That's normal.

The same applies to the Bills, the product has degraded, yet we as 'consumers' year after year continue to 'buy' the product. This is NOT normal. I count myself among those that continue to 'buy' the product. Some others may decide to look elsewhere.


Insanity- repeating the same failure over and over again expecting different results.

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