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Smerlas on Losman...


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We like us (most of us, anyway).  Smerlas says Bills fans suck!


We like Buffalo..  Smerlas says Buffalol is a s#ithole...and that was one of the more complmentary things he said about it.


Most of us root for the Bills when they're playing well (actually most of us root for the team even when they suck...like now).  Smerlas despises the Bills, Ralph, the city and the fans.


That's what happens when you're pivot man between Brady and Belichik.

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The Dean on Smerlas...


He's a stupid POS who's opinion on anything concerning the Bills is worthless.


Seriously...what the fu#k does fat, stupid, blow-hard Freddy know about QB talent?  Fu#k him!



Atleast we agree on something.

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The Bills don't have an O-line, they have five matadors.  :blink:


I think Losman (or whoever is our QB these days) should be allowed to start in shotgun with the ball in his hands and just yell "Hike" when he wants the play to start. Like playing in your backyard....


Might make things a little less uneven... ;)

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I think Losman (or whoever is our QB these days) should be allowed to start in shotgun with the ball in his hands and just yell "Hike" when he wants the play to start. Like playing in your backyard....


Might make things a little less uneven... :blink:



I was listening to the first half on the radio,

AVP "JP takes the snap, he dr, he's under pres, he's sacked"

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Okay, since WHAM now streams, and we can hear Fred Smerlas on a weekly basis, he is, for me, becoming the biggest douche bag to soil the Bills colors (which is saying something).


Last week, he said Losman has "no chance" in the NFL, and tonight, he compares Losman and Rob Johnson.  He says Johnson had more talent, and Losman has "more guts"....



I can't listen to or read anything that comes from Smerlas, he's so dumb that I'm embarrassed when he is linked to the Bills despite a solid career on the field. His articles for "SHOUT" years ago were weekly trainwrecks in which he would constantly contradict himself and make no point whatsoever.

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Okay, since WHAM now streams, and we can hear Fred Smerlas on a weekly basis, he is, for me, becoming the biggest douche bag to soil the Bills colors (which is saying something).


Last week, he said Losman has "no chance" in the NFL, and tonight, he compares Losman and Rob Johnson.  He says Johnson had more talent, and Losman has "more guts"....



It IS funny how every time a sports commentator says something bad about our bad (although beloved) team, people get upset. His job is to talk about football. If he said good things about Losman or the Bills, he would be broadcasting from the Bellvue Hospital Psych Ward.


As far as his comments, Imo Rob Johnson DID have more talent that Losman. He was bigger, had just as good an arm, better touch, and was more accurate. JP is a better runner, but not by much, whereas RJ too was very fast.


The thing is, RJ is living proof that talent isn't everything. He simply had no head for the game, and seemed to be uncoachable. Losman appears to have a ton of heart and talent, but most of his passes are lousy. His latest bad habit is to short arm the ball to the feet of his receivers.


Whereas it is far too late for RJ, Losman, because of when and how he was drafted, will be given time to develop. I am thinking that his odds of being a good NFL QB are still at about 50/50. Again, JP, like RJ, has all the talent that he needs.

Whether or not he will be any good is another matter.


Smerlas was off with his "no chance" comment, but JP is NOT off to a good start. If he was on an opposing team, how many of us would be nervous about facing him?

This in itself doesn't bother me. He is a rookie. What annoys me is that he was thrust into the starting role by TD to take us to the playoffs. That imo was a dumb decision based on a loss to Pitt, after which TD and MM needed a scapegoat, so they chose Drew instead of looking into the mirror.

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There are very few people in the media I dislike more than Smerlas (Bill Simmons comes to mind). Anyone within earshot of WEEI in Boston has had to put up with Smerlas Mondays and Fridays during the NFL season for many years. Over that time I've never heard anything good come out of his mouth regarding the Bills, and if anyone thinks he has anything but contempt for the Bills and WNY you are kidding yourselves. He is a Boston College grad and a Flutie stooge. He goes out of his way to denigrate the Bills every chance he gets. He's an embarrasment and a tool.

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Anyone know why the resentment? Is it because he was let go before the SB run?


Smerlas resented the fact that he was never given a chance to be out played by Jeff Wright. The team decided it was time to go with younger players and simply let him go after a pro bowl season. That really kind of poisoned him at the time.


I met him several years ago and we had a very good conversation. I had a Smerlas shirt made when he was cut, and he signed it that day. He has an opinion and voices it loudly. I often disagree with him, but I think it would be fun to watch a game and pound down some cold ones with him.


He would be very much at home here or on PPP. :blink:


Thanks for the distant replay on my article, SDS!

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